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Especially, since the piezo- and pyroelectricity are reported in mechanically non-uniform space charge electret and hybrid piezoelectric electret structure made of "soft" hand "hard" polymer layer is proposed the piezoelectricity of space charge electret containing porous PTFE have become main study field.


Pyrrole polymer on the N-bit H chemical shift of the grading law.


Electrochemical polymerization of the N-substituted pyrrole monomer 3 and 4. The obtained polymer films were characterized by cyclic voltammograms.


Professor Chu's research in atomic physics, quantum electronics, polymer and biophysics includes tests of fundamental theories in physics, the development of methods to laser cool and trap atoms, atom interferometry, and the manipulation and study of polymers and biological systems at the single molecule level.


"Cricket quencher," a gel polymer that insects suck water out of, can also be used.


The effects of polymer molecular weight and quenching temperature on the porous structure are also discussed.


Research and development of this project is a new quick-setting polymer drilling expansion agent, mainly used for determination of gas pressure sealing sealing boreholes, the quality can also be used for different conditions of pressure measurement of the coal seam gas drilling sealed.


First half of this year a national invention patent applications and to be entertained, and put into research and development costs 78,000 yuan, the new quick-setting polymer drilling expansion agent research, At the same time, part of the Company and the Shanghai Research Institute, Southeast University to establish institutions such as colleges and universities a good research partnership.


Objecdt ive Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymer membrane to separate racemate of amino acid hydantoins.


The gel dynamics experiments showed that the gel formation law was similar with the other polymer systems, which wasrelated with dense surface under the soft coagulating condition and the thickening gel; the square of gel thickness was linear with coagulation time. The qualitative analysis of the surface puckers of fibers spun from wet spinning and dry-jet wet spinning was made. The positions where the die swell appeared were not the same and the die swell appeared at the air gap where the fiber would markedly been elongated and vary little in the coagulant, thus the surface of fiber spun from dry-jet wet spinning was more smooth. The radial component concentration gradient was responsible for the radial structure of PAN fiber spun from dry-jet wet spinning. The thicker surface with microvoid structure of


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


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Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
