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Moreover, in unstuffy if occasionally plodding style, he conjures the pungent cultural atmosphere with which the English, from elitists to the "proto-socialist" ramblers, have cosseted their most beloved scrap of wilderness.


Exuberance just isn't Mann's style, and for people who want a little payoff or satisfaction in their 2.5 hours of plodding, teeth-grinding intensity, that will be a problem.


Exuberance just isn't Mann's style, and for people who want a little payoff or satisfaction in their 2.5 hours of plodding, teeth-grinding intensity, that will be a problem.


The traveller from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through.


The traveler from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through.


The traveler from the coast,who,after plodding northworld for scors of miles,over calcareous downs and corn-lands,suddenly reaches the verge of one of this escarpments,is surprised and delighted to be hold, extended like a map beneath him,country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through.


The traveller from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through.

从海岸徒步北上的游客,在跋涉了二十多英里路程,越过了白垩质的草原和玉米地之后,突然来到这样一座悬崖边上,发现一种跟他适才走过的地区截然不同的景色像地图一样展现在他面前时,是免不了会惊喜交加的。passed through:经过市镇等此处country指田野fields。

The traveler fromthe coast, who, after plodding northward for as score of milesover calcareous down and corn — lands, suddenly rechcs theverge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delightedto behold, extended like a map beneath him, country differingabsolutely from that which he was passed through.


The traveller from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through.


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