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Just down the road, I found the white vase at the Camden Passage antiques market .

而那只白色的花瓶是我在Camden Passage 的古董店里发现的。

In March, Keith Abbe and Jeff Passage were climbing the three-pitch Heart Route (5.2) near a formation known as the Praying Monk on Camelback's north side.

在 3 月的某一天, Keith Abbe 以及 Jeff Passage 正在攀登一条靠近 Camelback 北面 Praying Monk 的 3 个 pitch 路线稨eart Rate(5.2)。

Www.hjenglish.com Passage 2: The position of the English language in the world today is rising, owing to Britain's colonial expansion and the more recent activity of America.

Passage 2 英语在当今世界的地位在上升,那是由于英国殖民扩张和近代美国的活动的缘故。

Because of inappropriate operation between oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles of signalized intersections of urban areas in Taiwan the department of traffic ever offered corrigible opinions involve in right of way, center of intersections adjudging hard and indirectly encouraged to accelerate left-turn vehicles. But all still lack quantification analysis. Therefore, this problem is worth studying.This study will aim at safe passage of oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles for at-grade signalized intersections. So, this study will be based on row's theory, theory of traffic conflicts, and take many factors into consideration, such as the width of the intersections, types of the intersections, center of the intersections, the size of the vehicles, the location of the vehicles, the radius of turn, paths of operation, the speed of the vehicles, the types of collisions, the angle of road, and also deduce formulas of coordinate of paths. The main method used in this research is the simulation of different situations. By the method, the analytic model of safe passage of oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles for at-grade signalized intersections will be established, and this study will also subsume critical speed of conflict and expected number of times of safe passage. Finally involved rules of safe passage will be proffered.


A popular spot for tourists along the Inside Passage, the Tongass is the largest remaining temperate forest in the world—even as the logging industry lobbies for greater access to it.

作为Inside Passage上的旅游胜地,Tongass是世界上现有的最大的温带森林--伐木业正试图获得更大的开采权。

The director of the episode is Michael Nankin , who has done some great work on this series he directed memorable episodes like " Scar ,"" Flight of the Phoenix ,"" Maelstrom ,"" Passage " and the unforgettable " The Ties that Bind ," with the wrenching deep-space death of Cally Tyrol .

这一集的导演是迈克尔·南金 Michael Nankin ,这家伙已经导演了剧中不少的单元集,比如"[第2季第15集] 伤疤 Scar ,""[第2季第9集] 凤凰飞翔 Flight of the Phoenix ,""[第3季第17集] 苦痛漩涡 Maelstrom ,"" [第3季第10集] 通路 Passage ",和比较难忘的那集"[第4季第3集] 以爱相连 The Ties that Bind "(在这集中凯莉·泰罗尔在减压舱被减压冲到深空中彻底死瓜

See Casparian strip; passage cells.

参见 Casparian strip; passage cells。

As we were waiting patiently for the new Striborg full length, Southwest Passage, we discovered ANOTHER new Striborg release, a split with a band called Claustrophobia, released on Sin Nanna of Striborg's own label Finsternis Productions, so we contacted Sin Nanna directly the reports of his reclusiveness, living in a shack with no telephone or computer, turned out to be greatly exaggerated!

正当我们耐心等待Striborg的新专辑《Southwest Passage》时,我们发现Striborg另一个新的作品,一张与一支叫&幽闭恐怖症&的乐队的拼盘,由Sin Nanna的Finsternis Productions出品。于是我们直接联系了Sin Nanna(有消息说他已隐居,住在一个没有电话与电脑的小屋里,这其实是夸张的说法),购买了一些这张作品的拷贝。

The director of the episode is Michael Nankin , who has done some great work on this series he directed memorable episodes like " Scar ,"" Flight of the Phoenix ,"" Maelstrom ,"" Passage " and the unforgettable " The Ties that Bind ," with the wrenching deep-space death of Cally Tyrol .

这一集的导演是迈克尔·南金 Michael Nankin ,这家伙已经导演了剧中不少的单元集,比如&[第2季第15集] 伤疤 Scar ,&&[第2季第9集] 凤凰飞翔 Flight of the Phoenix ,&&[第3季第17集] 苦痛漩涡 Maelstrom ,&& [第3季第10集] 通路 Passage &,和比较难忘的那集&[第4季第3集] 以爱相连 The Ties that Bind &(在这集中凯莉·泰罗尔在减压舱被减压冲到深空中彻底死瓜

Probably for reasons like this,Naipaul condemns the Caribbean area as a sterile wasteland without history or culture in The Middle Passage.

很可能就是由于这一原因,Naipaul谴责 Caribbean地区为贫瘠的、没有历史或是The Middle Passage相关文化的无用之地(Naipaul,1962)。

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A Rite Of Passage
Rite Of Passage
The Passage
A Passage In Time
A Rite Of Passage
A Passage To Bangkok

The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
