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与 outsiders 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Despite the piercings and spiky hairdos of Good Charlotte frontmen Joel and Benji Madden, the filth and the fury of punk are not in evidence on The Young and the Hopeless. Rather, Good Charlotte lean toward the sunny power pop favored by the lighter Huntingdon Beach, California, outfits. Nevertheless, with the title track and "The Anthem"("I'm just a minor threat"), the band appeals directly to high-school outsiders.

Good Charlotte,这支来自美国东海岸马里兰州的五人流行朋克团体,在2000年发表首张同名专辑《Good Charlotte》时,由於他们阳光俊朗的外型、加上爽劲悦耳的动听旋律,於是就有人把他们的队名译为"优质果冻",俨然一副新好男孩的偶像架势。

In a series of startling upsets and a few expected triumphs, almost all of the top Oscars were handed to foreigners and iconoclastic show business outsiders.


I think that is his choice, outsiders are not eligible in this matter of the comments.


He also wants to ensure that qualified outsiders are considered and that an inbred academic system is avoided.


It might seem an innocuous move to outsiders but in China it was a game-changer.


The maintenance of an upright, even upbeat public face is part of what has led generations of outsiders to talk of "inscrutability" and to ask if smiles, in this proud and often aggressive country, are not just a way of keeping tears at bay.


Body right as an independent dignity right includes the right of defending the formal and practical intactness of governing the body to exclude outsiders with some restrictions.


Even better, the Jordanian people seem eager to welcome outsiders.


The ethnic groups are obscure to most outsiders — the Wa, Kachin and Shan, among them — but their fate is crucial to the future of the world's heroin supply, experts say.


Prostitution, after being the subject of countless literary titles, remains as little-understood by outsiders as ever.


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The Outsiders
The Outsiders
The Outsiders
The Outsiders
Ambitious Outsiders
The Outsiders
The Outsiders

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
