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与 mulled 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I gleaned it from Waiterrant, but found myself choking on my mulled vodka it was that funny.


A hot sweet drink thats perfect for winter nights when you just can face another glass of mulled wine!


Discriminatory laws have already been mulled over.


He mulled over the possibility that the Chinese characters were an unwitting form of his universal characteristic .


He took the mulled cider, then sat on one of the couches, his heart still beating rapidly.


Shortly before the voyage was over, he mulled over what he had seen on the Galápagos:"When I see these islands in sight of each other, and possessed of but a scanty stock of animals, tenanted by these birds, but slightly differing in structure and filling the same place in Nature, I must suspect they are only varieties … If there is the slightest foundation for these remarks the zoology of the will be well worth examining; for such facts would undermine the stability of Species."


This beautiful wine has a bouquet of bright and fresh cherry andstrawberry avors, echoed on the palate with complex layers of mulled cherries, strawberries,raspberries, cinnamon and clove.


After so many sweets, a wizard needs a drink and goes to the Three Broomsticks, where Madam Rosmerta will serve him or her Butterbeer, Red Currant Rum, Gillywater , cherry syrup and soda with ice and umbrella and mulled mead.


Refreshments will include bratwurst and a hog roast as well as gingerbread and mulled wine, and there will be choirs singing Christmas carols.


From traditional markets selling Christmas arts and crafts including hand-blown glass objects, jewellery to mulled wine and cinnamon buns, visiting these markets while you are on Berlin city break is a fantastic and fun lead up to Christmas for all the family.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
