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与 hero-worshiper 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Afterwards, this article deals with the making and functions of heroic rhetorical fantasy based on some language materials; the absolute authority rhetorical fantasy created by recessive heroic discouse; the ideal model rhetorical fantasy created by dominant heroic discouse, possessing the functions of paradigm, instruction and dedication; the shaping allegory of rhetorical fantasy created by hero's absolutory discouse; the shaping allegory rhetorical fantasy created by future-hero's absolutory, possessing the functions of proving and punishing; the value identification rhetorical fantasy created by sub-hero's confiding discouse, possessing the functions of assisting, exposing evil and carrying forward good; the background metaphor rhetorical fantasy created by pan-hero's praising discouse, possessing the functions of receiving kindness and worship; the opposite symbolic rhetorical fantasy created anti-hero's foolish discouse.


In 《Hero's Return》, the astronaut protected by the guards is received by a welcoming crowd. In the first painting, he appears rigid, uneasy and overwhelmed by the scale of the event. In fact, he looks more like a criminal being marched to the execution ground. But in the second painting, he is shown to wave to the crowd and play the role of 'hero' with adeptness. We can almost begin to see the life he leads afterwards. He will be received by various top leaders and interviewed in television programs. In a succession of awarding ceremonies, speeches and briefings, he will become more and more experienced, relaxed and eloquent, so on and so forth. His self will be eroding. Whenever he looks at himself in the mirror, he will see a hero, a hero through and through. Via the contrast of images, the artist subtly reveals the process of hero-making.


Birth from" demigod " of the first prototype of the hero image at The Ancient Greece literature, This"The Hero Type of Demigod" has been controled and dominated the figures\' molding of The Western literature , The hero images in the not coetaneous literature all can be treated as the different"anamorphosis" of "The Hero Type of Demigod".


Lyricism to lyric means of literature are diverse: one is willing to speak one's mind's made, the hero is the author's own, works directly express the hero's thoughts and feelings, showing the hero's personality characteristics; One is the care of things for Yan Zhi, the work is not that the author's own hero, but the author's thoughts and feelings of the sustenance of the objects, including figures, there are things, as well as by the negative objects; one is made by the King of the lyric, that is landscape features poetry, on the surface, written by the author saw and heard was not the hero tone of voice to express thoughts and feelings, but in fact the author is described by the mountain scenery to send Italian lyric, its hero is actually author.


Including similar but slightly different versions of the four tracks that comprise his 2006 EP, Love Hope Hero, this ten-song CD, according to Maida, didn't start out as musical numbers, but instead as poems.

按照Maida的说法,这次发行的CD中包含他06年的EP&Love Hope Hero&里的4首歌曲,但与原版有些许不同的是,这次发行的歌曲并不是以音乐本身作为出发点的,它们更多的是诗。

Mr Zachariah explained that he wanted the Carbon Hero to cause "minimum disruption" to the user, and so it works in the background of the phone.

撒迦利亚先生解释道,他希望Carbon Hero能是用户导致&最少的消耗&,因此他使用手机作为媒介。

The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius, and the Victorians hero-worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry".


The child archetype often blends with other archetypes to form the child-god, or the child-hero.


Dharma, My Boss, My Hero, My Wife Is a Gangster - that glamorised hard-hitting, straight-talking thugs.

、《头师父1体》(My Boss, My Hero)、《我的老婆是大佬》--这些使得那些出手够狠、直抒己见的暴徒更独具魅力。

Dharma, My Boss, My Hero, My Wife Is a Gangster - that glamorised hard-hitting, straight-talking thugs.

、《头师父一体》( My Boss, My Hero )、《我的老婆是大佬》--这些使得那些出手够狠、直言不讳的暴徒更独具魅力。

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Working Class Hero
I Wanna Be No Hero
High School Football Hero
Working Class Hero
Football Hero
Guitar Hero
The Hero
Unsung Hero
Guitar Hero Hero (Beating Guitar Hero Doesn't Make You Slash)

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
