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与 drafted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have drafted a memorandum of our meeting in Beijing, and hope to publish it on the WAML website.


Not long ago, Tianjin Municipal Government and the Ministry of Education jointly held the 2nd convention on National Vocational Education Reform Experiment Zone. During the convention, both parties summarized the achievements accomplished in the past two years; they both commented on how to strengthen vocational education and to extend the functions of the zone and came to a consensus and drafted a memoriam.


That's what happened when a young man, the son of a star baseball player, was drafted by one of the minor league teams.


In Europe, contracts as a principle are put in writing, and written contracts are minutely drafted.


In this connection, detailed laws and decrees should be drafted to prevent misinterpretation or abuse of decision-making power .


One of Donovan's most accomplished operatives, USAAF Maj. Richard Canidy, devises a clever scheme (albeit one familiar to readers of Ewen Montagu's The Man Who Never Was) to plant phony plans on a corpse, along with love letters drafted by the requisite attractive female spy.


Dimieari Von Kemedi, an activist recently drafted into the government of oil-rich Bayelsa state, says his audit of state finances found contracts had been inflated to the tune of 17 billion naira (US$114 million).


Cooke, later known as the "father of rural electricity," to head the New York Power Authority, which began a vigorous effort to extend electric power throughout the state. During the Presidential campaign of 1932, Cooke drafted Roosevelt's "Portland Power Speech," which promised to do for the rest of the Nation what had already been largely accomplished in New York.


The proving up and exploiture of the carbonic and niton hotspring have been drafted, which have been approved Emei Plan Economy Development [2001] No.


After Francis finished a year at the University of Maryland, Peake and his partner agent Jeff Fried, relative unknowns in the sports management industry, engineered the biggest trade in NBA history -- a three-team, 11-player deal that sent Francis from the Vancouver Grizzles, who drafted him, to the Houston Rockets.

在史蒂夫?弗朗西斯完成为期1年的马利兰大学的学习之后,Peake和他的合伙人代理商Jeff Fried,一个在体育管理行业鲜为人知的人物,共同操纵着NBA历史上最大的贸易行业-作为一个拥有3个球队,11名队员的机构将被指定人选弗朗西斯从温哥华灰熊队转入到休斯顿火箭队。

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When Ya Get Drafted
Drafted Again
I Don't Wanna Get Drafted

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
