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与 clash 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blessed substitution for it was the Andalusian who produced the goods, levelling the score 69 minutes into the clash.


But what makes it unique is the profound sense of anti-climax – a special edition Portsmouth Football Club tankard does not feel like a fair exchange for your life, your sanity and your personality – combined with the violent clash between what the departing worker and the employer want from the occasion.

但 欢送会的独特之处在于深深的人走茶凉感——用你的生活、智慧和个性换来一个朴茨茅斯足球俱乐部的特别版大啤酒杯,这未免有失公允。

It is a music which evolved through the clash of two antipathetic cultures.


It made a multi-dimensional exposition on the source of the reading mode's evolution, from horizontal (the mingling and clash between eastern and western culture) to historical (the rupture of ancient and contemporary culture); from synchronous (the clash among mainstream, elite and commonage culture and culture structure) to diachronic (culture turbulence in the century's end transition).


In this study, the concept of civilization by Huntington is generally defined and analyzed, and on this basis, the author considers and interprets Huntington's mode of civilizations clash in his own way; and three criteria for analyzing the mode of civilizations clash is advanced and the theory of composition of historical forces is brought forth for the correct understanding of world civilization course.


And when I was going through a punky phase, it was The Clash

The Clash这个乐队是有名的朋克乐队,所以这里应采用习惯译法——&冲撞乐队&

Clash between them are the following: on the one hand, there is certain contradiction between "enlightenment" of elite culture and "secularly" of common culture; On the other hand, as to taste interest, there is also clash between elite culture's pursuit of elegance and common culture's pursuit of popularity.(3) It is possible for them to form combination, including three aspects: control of mainstream culture, relationship with each other coexisted and transformed, the development of modern media technology.


The fundamental cause of criminal laws clash in our national autonomies lies in difference between ethnic groups the system of autonomy and existential of autonomy rights By accelerating the developing steps of morinity areas We could eliminate the clash and realize legally unified situation in the end .


These bands – which besides the K include Fire Balloon, RWF, The Mold, and Rubber Phonograph Needle, among others – all have different sounds, but if we could generalize we'd say that they play a much more open, bluesy sound that looks back to early American rock and roll or even country (or, more likely, to English punk bands, like the Clash, with similar influences).

但如果要概括一下的话,我们可以说,他们演奏出了一些更加随性、更为开放,并带点早期布鲁斯味道的音乐,这很容易让我们想起美国摇滚乐的萌芽时期,甚至是乡村音乐(更确切点地说,英国的一些朋克乐队,比如THE CLASH,也都有相似的影响)。

"Well, I think there's going to be a clash, I mean the clash is almost inevitable," said Israeli analyst Gadi Wolfsfeld.

&我认为将会有所冲突,我是说,冲突是不可避免的,&以色列分析家Gadi Wolfsfeld说。

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Generation Clash
Generation Clash II
We Are The Clash
Radio Clash
Clash City Rockers
This Is Radio Clash
Clash Of The Titans
Boing Clash Boom
Clash Of The Titans
Cash Or Clash

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
