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与 bind 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Exchange option is a bind of agrement, it makes the people who own the option having the power that exchange a bind of asset by another bind of asset at maturity T.


NCP Yahoo can answer from time to time moves rapid development to rise of so much register stationmaster, undoubted outside the advantage besides Yahoo, I think even if bind with the iron lever of the mom in A calm, if did not have the advertisement of the mom in A bind calm , the value of Yahoo NCP should sell at a discount greatly, do not say Yahoo you are indifferent to, we inferior do not want to hear the Yahoo body that thing of such move one to praises and tears happens drop one's benefactor as soon as his help is not required in the great reputation to go up, oh, I forgot, so right now Yahoo is not the Yahoo when those any more, yahoo had lost the majesty of the tiger, if just meeting the mom in resigned A so, the mom in A make fall, yahoo takes firm of the firm on face of every NCP stationmaster admired remember canorous a slap on the face, this a slap on the face listens in the mom in A coming is so comfortable, listen in NCP Yahoo come very satisfied also, see what I had had 200 thousand register an user, did not have you my NCP still also can gallop on Internet all the same, is the fact true such?


The unary test function can be a free function, unary functor (for example created with boost::bind) or unary method of a class with bound test class instance.

参单测试用例可以是自由函数,单参函数对像(如由 boost::bind 创建)或者绑定於测试类实例的单参类方法。

ARID (AT-rich interaction domain) protein is a transcription factor family in higher eukaryotes that regulates cell proliferation, development, and differentiation. Specificity of DNA binding ability in this family prefers AT-rich sequences, but some ARID family proteins are not sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins or they do not bind AT-rich sequences. We found two genes that encode ARID in Giardia lamblia genome database, garid1 and garid2. We analyzed the function of garid1 first. AU1-tagged gARID1 was found to localize to nuclei. During encystation, gARID1 mRNA level decreased emphatically, but protein level increased. We also found that gARID1 can bind AT-rich initiator of the cwp1 promoter by EMSA. Mutation analysis revealed gARID1 binding sequence was AGATC and AATAAAATA. We used ChIP to demonstrate that gARID1 can bind cwp1 gene promoter in vivo.

ARID(AT-rich interaction domain)蛋白质家族是真核生物的一种转因子,在许多同种的真核生物有它的同源基因,这个家族的蛋白质通常与调控细胞的生长、发育和分化的作用有关,而这个家族的蛋白质和DNA的结合能,各种ARID蛋白质的专一性尽相同,过大致上偏好於和AT-rich的序结合;我们已经在形鞭毛虫的基因组中找到个含有ARID 的基因,分别是garid1和garid2,我们首先对於garid1做分析;将AU1标记接到gARID1转染形鞭毛虫,用免疫萤光染色可发现gARID1存在於细胞核中。gARID1的讯息RNA在囊体化后会明显下,过其阳性染色和蛋白质表现有明显增加;EMSA实验中也发现gARID1会明显的与cwp1基因启动子之AT-rich initiator结合,经由突变序分析,也显示gARID1的结合序为AGATC和AATAAAATA,随后我们也用ChIP证明gARID1在细胞内也的确会和cwp1基因的启动子结合。

KIR bind corresponding HLA-Ⅰmay hame four results followed:1、When inhibitory KIR bind HLA-Ⅰand there has no activatory KIR bind it,cell isn\'t dissolve because inhibitory signal access was done;2、When activatory KIR bind corresponding HLA-Ⅰand there has no inhibitory KIR bind it,form activate signal,lead cell dissolve.3、If activatory or inhibitory receptor both bind HLA-Ⅰ,both signal access is make done,when activatory signal play the main role,NK cell still actived,lead target cell dissolve.4、If activatory or inhibitory receptor both bind HLA-Ⅰ,both signal access is make done,when inhibitory signal play the main role,or both signal access don\'t play,NK cell do not make effect.this is NK cell recognice nomal tissue.


The director of the episode is Michael Nankin , who has done some great work on this series he directed memorable episodes like " Scar ,"" Flight of the Phoenix ,"" Maelstrom ,"" Passage " and the unforgettable " The Ties that Bind ," with the wrenching deep-space death of Cally Tyrol .

这一集的导演是迈克尔·南金 Michael Nankin ,这家伙已经导演了剧中不少的单元集,比如"[第2季第15集] 伤疤 Scar ,""[第2季第9集] 凤凰飞翔 Flight of the Phoenix ,""[第3季第17集] 苦痛漩涡 Maelstrom ,"" [第3季第10集] 通路 Passage ",和比较难忘的那集"[第4季第3集] 以爱相连 The Ties that Bind "(在这集中凯莉·泰罗尔在减压舱被减压冲到深空中彻底死瓜

A platform-specific implementation of bind is expected to handle the problem transparently; this implementation does not.


You can also unbind custom events registered with bind.


The director of the episode is Michael Nankin , who has done some great work on this series he directed memorable episodes like " Scar ,"" Flight of the Phoenix ,"" Maelstrom ,"" Passage " and the unforgettable " The Ties that Bind ," with the wrenching deep-space death of Cally Tyrol .

这一集的导演是迈克尔·南金 Michael Nankin ,这家伙已经导演了剧中不少的单元集,比如&[第2季第15集] 伤疤 Scar ,&&[第2季第9集] 凤凰飞翔 Flight of the Phoenix ,&&[第3季第17集] 苦痛漩涡 Maelstrom ,&& [第3季第10集] 通路 Passage &,和比较难忘的那集&[第4季第3集] 以爱相连 The Ties that Bind &(在这集中凯莉·泰罗尔在减压舱被减压冲到深空中彻底死瓜

In a connectionless protocol, both sockets have to make their existence known to the system using bind .

用无连接协议,双方的套接字都需要用 bind 方法来告知系统。

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Ties That Bind
Ties That Bind
The Ties That Bind
Bind Your Love
The Ties That Bind
Georgia, Bind My Ties
Caustic Are The Ties That Bind

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
