英语人>网络例句>and 相关的网络例句
与 and 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results摘要: The incidence rates of renal dysfunction, shock, cardiovascular failure and gastrointestinal hemorrhage, the score of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ and the frequencies of pulse and breath in the severe hypoalbuminemia group were all higher than those in the mild hypoalbuminemia group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The differences of incidence rate of hepatic failure and the scores of Ranson and Balthazar CT between these two groups had no statistical significance (P>0.05). The incidence rate of infection and the mortality in the severe hypoalbuminemia group were higher than those in the mild hypoalbuminemia group (P<0.01) in the later stage of SAP.

结果摘要:重度低白蛋白血症组肾功能衰竭、休克、心衰及消化道出血的发生率高于轻度低白蛋白血症组(P<0.01,肝功能衰竭发生率两组比较无统计学差异;Ranson评分及Balthazar CT评分两组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);重度低白蛋白血症组的急性生理和慢性健康评价指标Ⅱ(acute physiology and chronic health evaluationⅡ, APACHEⅡ)评分、脉搏和呼吸频率均明显高于轻度低白蛋白血症组(P<0.05或P<0.01;重度低白蛋白血症组后期感染发生率及病死率均高于轻度低白蛋白血症组

Results: The incidence rates of renal dysfunction, shock, cardiovascular failure and gastrointestinal hemorrhage, the score of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ and the frequencies of pulse and breath in the severe hypoalbuminemia group were all higher than those in the mild hypoalbuminemia group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The differences of incidence rate of hepatic failure and the scores of Ranson and Balthazar CT between these two groups had no statistical significance (P>0.05). The incidence rate of infection and the mortality in the severe hypoalbuminemia group were higher than those in the mild hypoalbuminemia group (P<0.01) in the later stage of SAP.

结果:重度低白蛋白血症组肾功能衰竭、休克、心衰及消化道出血的发生率高于轻度低白蛋白血症组(P<0.01,肝功能衰竭发生率两组比较无统计学差异;Ranson评分及Balthazar CT评分两组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);重度低白蛋白血症组的急性生理和慢性健康评价指标Ⅱ(acute physiology and chronic health evaluationⅡ, APACHEⅡ)评分、脉搏和呼吸频率均明显高于轻度低白蛋白血症组(P<0.05或P<0.01;重度低白蛋白血症组后期感染发生率及病死率均高于轻度低白蛋白血症组

The complications in the early stage, related parameters, and the incidence rate of infection and mortality in the later stage were evaluated respectively. Results: The incidence rates of renal dysfunction, shock, cardiovascular failure and gastrointestinal hemorrhage, the score of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ and the frequencies of pulse and breath in the severe hypoalbuminemia group were all higher than those in the mild hypoalbuminemia group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The differences of incidence rate of hepatic failure and the scores of Ranson and Balthazar CT between these two groups had no statistical significance (P>0.05). The incidence rate of infection and the mortality in the severe hypoalbuminemia group were higher than those in the mild hypoalbuminemia group (P<0.01) in the later stage of SAP.

结果:重度低白蛋白血症组肾功能衰竭、休克、心衰及消化道出血的发生率高于轻度低白蛋白血症组(P<0.01,肝功能衰竭发生率两组比较无统计学差异;Ranson评分及Balthazar CT评分两组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);重度低白蛋白血症组的急性生理和慢性健康评价指标Ⅱ(acute physiology and chronic health evaluationⅡ, APACHEⅡ)评分、脉搏和呼吸频率均明显高于轻度低白蛋白血症组(P<0.05或P<0.01;重度低白蛋白血症组后期感染发生率及病死率均高于轻度低白蛋白血症组

The art of fiction, as Jane Austen knew it, declined from her through Scott, and Bulwer, and Dickens, and Charlotte Bronte, and Thackeray, and even George Eliot, because the mania of romanticism had seized upon all Europe, and these great writers could not escape the taint of their time; but it has shown few signs of recovery in England, because English criticism, in the presence of the Continental masterpieces, has continued provincial and special and personal, and has expressed a love and a hate which had to do with the quality of the artist rather than the character of his work.

jane的小说技巧,在她之后就开始没落了,Scott, and Bulwer, and Dickens, and Charlotte Bronte, and Thackeray, and even George Eliot(这些都是Jane之后的作家,你可以在金山上查到详细的资料)都没怎么采用她的风格,因为欧洲人骨子里有着狂热的浪漫主义,而这些伟大的作家也没有能够摆脱他们时代的感染。在英国,也没有什么恢复的迹象,面对着欧洲大陆上的伟大作品,英国的评论依然本土化,特殊化,个人化,他们对于作家表现出了强烈的爱,憎,而不是对于他们的作品人物。

I love that deafening, thundering sound That sounds like buildings tumbling down And people wish that they weren't around When we all rock and roll into town We hear those fearful piercing screams The kind you find on cinema screens And if they're fit to burst at the seams If they could say what all of this means We love that satisfying, rattling crash The sound of registers full of cash We'll be all over your town like a rash We'll steal your children and smoke all your hash I love that deafening, thundering sound The sounds like buildings tumbling down And people wish that they weren't around When we all rock and roll into town We are, we are the elephant men Take heed we'll be stampeding again Look out all of U fairweather friends Because elephants never forget

我爱那振耳欲聋的雷鸣般的声音那听起来像歪斜状的建筑物一样当我们所有的摇滚进入城镇之内 and人们希望它们不在附近我们听到那些恐怕刺骨的尖叫声那种你在电影院荧屏上找的场面如果他们可以说这全部意谓什么 and他们能够在缝合线爆裂我们爱那个满意的卡答的坠毁充满现金的储存器爆破的声音我们将会让你们城镇中所有的同类一起轻率我们将会唤醒你们的孩子用烟雾把你们搞得一塌糊涂我爱那振耳欲聋的雷鸣般的声音那听起来像歪斜状的建筑物一样当我们所有的摇滚进入城镇之内 and人们希望它们不在附近我们是,我们是elephant man 我们将会采取再一次逃窜以引起注意小心看紧你们全部顺从于安排的朋友因为 elephant 将永远不再会被遗忘

The results of this paper correspond to the conclusion of Baker and Pettit (1982) and Baker and Johnson (1990) that management's intention of exchange listing is visibility, and also confirm the finding of Arbel and Strebel (1982, 1983), Carvel and Strebel (1987), Christie and Huang (1994), and Baker et al.

本文结果可与Baker and Pettit (1982), Baker and Johnson (1990)提出之管理者以能见度作为上市动机相互对应,并确认了Arbel and Strebel (1982, 1983), Carvel and Strebel (1987), Christie and Huang (1994)及Baker et al。

The presence of REE tetrad effects in apatites and whole rocks of S-type granites has been reported by Sha and Chappell (1999) and Zhao et al.(1999), respectively. The REE tetrad effect in minerals, such as apatite, spessartite, beryl, alkali feldspar and spodumene, from all zones of Altay No. 3 pegmatite has been found remarkable, and the fractionations among isovalent incompatible elements in these minerals are also significant. This paper puts forward that the REE tetrad effect is one of the basic features of peraluminous melts and the origin of REE tetrad effect might be probably related to some processes prior to the formation of pegmatite magma. The immiscibile liquid separation between silicate melt and hydrosaline melt may be responsible for it.

由于阿尔泰3号伟晶岩脉各带磷灰石以及与其共生的石榴石、绿柱石、碱性长石、锂辉石矿物均存在明显的稀土"四重效应"以及相同电价、相似离子半径的不相容元素间存在显著的分异,并结合最近赵振华等(1999)和Sha and Chappell(1999)报道S型花岗岩全岩和单矿物(磷灰石、独居石、长石、黄玉等)均存在稀土"四重效应"这一现象,本文研究提出,稀土"四重效应"是富挥发分过铝质岩浆体系的一个基本特征,其机制既不可能由含稀土的副矿物早期结晶引起残余熔体相中REE含量变化的结果,也不能定性地归因于流体相与熔体相相互作用过程中稀土元素在流体/熔体之间分异的结果,而很可能与伟晶岩岩浆形成之前某些过程密切相关,S型花岗岩岩浆在液相线以上存在硅酸盐熔体与高盐熔体的不混溶液相分离有可能是过铝质岩浆体系产生稀土"四重效应"的主要原因。

In this thesis, we implement a computational procedure to categorize and classify 3-D objects from their contour under a simple environment. First, we use foreground detection, Canny edge detection and speedy GVF snake to obtain the object's contour. The contour is then used to establish the object's features. Two databases are built using methods which compute similarity by modified aspect-combination algorithm proposed by Cyr and Kimia and new proposed aspect-combination algorithm. By using these two databases, we recognize 3-D objects using four recognition methods and compare their performance. Finally, a conclusion is made that our newly proposed algorithm is better than the modified algorithm proposed by Cyr and Kimia.

在本论文中,对一个在单纯环境下的三维物体,由撷取到辨识出此物体做了一个完整的实现,首先,利用前景侦测结合肯尼边缘侦测法和加速的梯度向量流动态轮廓侦测法,来得到物体轮廓,接著利用此轮廓找寻出物体的特徵,然后配合计算相似度的方法,代入修改后的Cyr and Kimia的外观结合演算法(aspect-combination algorithm)和新提出的外观结合演算法去建资料库,然后,对於三维物体则依据两种不同方法所建出的资料库,利用四种辨识的方法来辨识并比较其结果,最后得出新提出的外观结合演算法是优於修改后的Cyr and Kimia的外观结合演算法的结论。

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is a twelve week course that will explore the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge and explore their application as a framework for theories of teaching and learning. It will outline a connectivist understanding of educational systems of the future. George Siemens and Stephen Downes – the two leading figures on connectivism and connective knowledge - will co-facilitate this innovative and timely course.

"连接主义和连接的知识",是一个12周的课程我们开始探讨连接主义的概念和知识之间的连接,继而探究其在教和学上的应用,也同时勾画出了一幅连接主义者视角下的未来教育图景, George Siemens and Stephen Downes 两位连接主义知识下的领军人物将会一起引导这个极具创新意识同时也很及时的课程。

In The Gamble House, furniture, built-in cabinetry, paneling, wood carvings, rugs, lighting, leaded stained glass, accessories and landscaping are all custom-designed by the architects, in the true hand-crafted spirit of the Arts and Crafts Movement. No detail was overlooked - every peg, oak wedge, downspout, air vent, hardware and switchplate is a contributing part of the single design statement and harmonious living environment. The house is a symphony in wood, with interiors carried out in teak, maple, Port Orford cedar, redwood and oak; each piece artfully selected and hand-rubbed to a satin finish. Iridescent glass adorns doors, windows and light fixtures which change color as the day passes and diffuse subtle patterns of light throughout.

在甘博之家里,家俱,嵌入的细工家俱,嵌版,木头雕刻,毛皮地毯,照明,行间空格特别大的有色的玻璃,附加物件和景观美化都是建筑师设计的惯例,在真正的手工艺Arts and Crafts Movement的精神里,没有一个细部是细看的-每一个栓,橡木楔子,水落管,排气孔,五金器具和电闸开关等是贡献单一的设计说明的部分和和谐的生活环境,这房子是杉木的交响乐,偕同内部的完成以柚木,枫树,Port Orford西洋杉,红杉和橡木﹔每一块熟练地挑选与手工艺到一个缎的完成,彩虹色的玻璃装饰门,窗户和采光设备因时间的经过会改变颜色与扩散遍布光线呈现微妙花样。

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Me And Bobby And Bobby's Brother
On And On And On
And Roses And Roses
Names And Dates And Times
Now And Forever (You And Me)
Bats And Rats And Murderers
Doom And Gloom And Doom And Gloom
Rock Me Again And Again And Again And Again And Again And Again (Six Times)
Maggie And Milly And Molly And May
Out And In And In And Out

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
