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与 allowance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He says that the budget for the expansion includes a 30% allowance for unforeseen cost overruns, and that the plan has been well-studied, both to ensure that sufficient demand exists and to minimise the environmental impact.


Because the allowance for doubtful accounts is necessarily an estimate and not a precise calculation, professional judgement plays a considerable part in determining the size of this valuation account .


It is policy of allowance of social security of personnel of will flexible obtain employment from hold " again obtain employment accommodation paper "" 4050 " personnel expands the personnel of other and flexible obtain employment that holds card, made clear " 4050 " the 2/3 that the level of social security subsidy of personnel presses formulary capture to expend the specified amount for personnel of flexible obtain employment, the subsidy level of personnel of other and flexible obtain employment is decided actually by each district union.


The usual trade margins or allowance in quality in the country of production are to be agreed upon by Buyer.


The basic components of the cost of SO2 emission, such as coal mix, desulphurization, discharge fee, emission allowance trade, and equivalent price with externality of electricity generation have been discussed and analyzed in detail.


The usual lure is a discount on the price of the merchandise --- a trade allowance --- which enables the distributor or retailer to pass on a price cut to the ultimate consumer and at the same time earn a higher profit margin on the item.


The CER market is under very different influences, dominated by European ETS allowance trade and recent movements in the oil price. Prices for issued CERs in secondary market trade have been flat around the 12 mark in the first week of July.


The definitions of correlations of the tax allowance, trade, growth and structure, are overlapped in some aspects. It brings some difficulties for narrations integrately and the logically.


Programs for Emission Cost Control Estimation System have been developed, which can predict the costs of emission, coal mix, desulphurization, discharge fee, emission allowance trade, and equivalent price with externality of electricity generation, and reduction of emission, and provide an optimized plan.

开发出SO2排放成本控制测算系统(SO2 Emissions cost Control Estimation System,以下简称ECCES)软件,可模拟实际情况,预测发电厂和发电集团公司的SO2排放成本、换煤成本、脱硫成本、排污缴费成本、排污交易成本、环保折价成本、减排成本和SO2成本控制最佳方案等。

We were provided an allowance of time for recreation.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
