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The Allowance Parts List, Code Identification Numbers and National Stock Numbers are used by the Navy in the Parts Control Center to order replacement valves or parts of valves that are installed on board United States Navy vessels.


The larger the allowance established for doubtful accounts, the lower the net valuation of accounts receivable will be.


Admiral Sir Alan West, Adm Band's predecessor as Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord, was public in his opinion that this level is too small to meet the full spectrum of taskings, noting that the figure of 25 was based on analysis of high-intensity warfighting tasks alone and did not address wider maritime security needs, or make any allowance for attrition.

Band元帅的前任Alan West元帅在他出版的书中发表了自己的观点,即如此小规模的舰队根本不足以胜任所有的任务,他还指出25这一数字是基于单单应付一场高强度战斗的考虑而没有提及应对更为繁杂的海事安全需求或是解决海上小冲突这类事件的需要。

His knowledge of languages, the respect shown him by the French, the good-nature with which he gave away anything he was asked for (he received the allowance of three roubles a week, given to officers among the prisoners), the strength he showed in driving nails into the wall, the gentleness of his behaviour to his companions, and his capacity—which seemed to him mysterious—of sitting stockstill doing nothing and plunged in thought, all made him seem to the soldiers a rather mysterious creature of a higher order. The very peculiarities that in the society he had previously lived in had been a source of embarrassment, if not of annoyance—his strength, his disdain for the comforts of life, his absent-mindedness, his good-nature—here among these men gave him the prestige almost of a hero.


And importmenting identification system for immigration workers, those measures will put in place performing allowance illegal already in the United States opportunities to pursue legal stayers.


The processes of sand casting are discussed in this section, including patterns, sprues and runners, design considerations, and casting allowance.


After full allowance has been made for the translator's freedom in rendering, and for the alterations introduced into the primitive wording of this version by later transcribers and revisers, two things remain quite certain: first, the Septuagint may occasionally be utilized for the discovery and the enmendation of inaccurate readings in our present Hebrew Text; and next, the most important variations which this Greek Version presents, especially in the line of additions and transpositions, point to the fact that the translator rendered a Hebrew original which differed considerably from the one embodied in the Massoretic Bibles.

经过充分津贴方面已取得的译者的自由渲染,以及改建引入原始措词这个版本的更新誊写和审校,两件事仍然相当肯定:第一,七十偶尔会用於发现和enmendation不准确的读数,我们目前的希伯来文字;和未来,最重要的变化这希腊版本介绍,特别是在线路的补充和transpositions ,指向这样一个事实,即作出了希伯来语翻译原始而相差很大的一个体现在Massoretic圣经。

Pilchards . Milk is a good source of calcium and is often seen as an essential part of a child's diet, though if either you or your child is lactose intolerant then the other sources of calcium, listed above, provide other ways of obtaining your daily recommended allowance which is 700mg a day for both men and women.

牛奶是一个很好的来源,钙,往往被视为一个重要的一个组成部分,儿童的饮食习惯,但如果您或您的孩子是乳糖不能容忍的话,其他来源的钙,上面列出,提供其他途径获得您的每日建议免税额,这是700mg ,每天为男人和女人。

Stretch allowance for the surface is 5% on lace-in frame; 4% on wrap-round


More than 96 percent of the laid-off workers who entered re-employment centers have received their basic living allowance.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
