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与 Russian 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because Pinot Noir prefers cool weather, the vineyards in California concentrate on the sea fog belt, such as Russian River Valley, Oregon and Sants Barbara, and Pinot Noir of premium class can be produced in Vineyards with high altitude such as Santa Chalone, Calera.

由于黑比诺喜欢凉爽的气候,所以加州的黑比诺葡萄园都集中在受到海雾影响的地带,比如Russian River Valley、Oregon和中央海岸包围的Sants Barbara,而海拔高的葡萄园(如Santa Chalone、Calera等地方)则能出产很棒的黑比诺。

In the Japanese version, Makarov's line,"Remember, no Russian" is mistranslated to "Kill them, they are Russians."

日语版的这一关把马卡洛夫的"Remember,No Russian"误翻译成了"把他们干掉,他们是俄罗斯人。"

It is useful to make sure that the club or a kennel is registered in the Russian Cynology Federation or the Russian Central attack-dog breeding. All organizations included in these establishments must have the license for breeding. In this case the documents of the puppy are valid in Russia and abroad.

与此同时,你也很有必要了解一下这些俱乐部或者犬舍是否在RCF或者是Russian Central Attack-dog Breeding(这是个什么组织,根据字面意思理解是俄罗斯猛犬繁育中心)登记注册。

Central is a red shield and sickle hammer pattern, a letter to RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) of the characters on both sides by the support shield archangel into a small ears.

中央是红色盾牌和镰刀锤子的图案,上书RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic)的大字,两旁扶持盾牌的由天使长变成了小麦穗。

The road led across the Monkey Ridge into the Russian Valley and thence in a southern direction toward the priest's cottage.

这条通往牯岭的旧路穿过 the Monkey Ridge 并延伸进 Russian Valley ,然后向南转向 the priest's cottage 。

In the Japanese version, Makarov's line,"Remember, no Russian" is mistranslated to "Kill them, they are Russians."

日语版的这一关把马卡洛夫的&Remember,No Russian&误翻译成了&把他们干掉,他们是俄罗斯人。&

There were rumors that German parachutists used Russian uniforms.

有谣言说德国伞兵是着俄军装(原文如此, Russian uniforms)!

The musicians started up again, and Draco returned to his White Russian.

乐队再一次奏响了,德拉科回到他 White Russian 的话题上。

The musicians started up again, and Draco returned to his White Russian.

9楼乐队再一次奏响了,德拉科回到他White Russian的话题上。

For the IS-2 the discrepancies are even greater: both Jentz and Red Steel have a maximum armour of 160mm (Jentz provides a breakdown of the armour which agrees with the Russian Military Zone everywhere but the mantle) while the Russian Military Zone and actual measurements of an IS-2 show a maximum armour of 120mm and 127mm, respectively.

这个网站对IS-2的装甲厚度参考了四个来源,其中两个来源称IS-2的最大装甲厚度为160mm,Jentz甚至提供了实际的装甲破片,但Russian Military Zone否定了他们对炮盾的说法。

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Russian Roulette
Russian Dolls
Russian Roulette
I'm No Russian
Russian Roulette
Russian Lullaby
Who Invited The Russian Soldier?
Russian Roulette
Russian Roulette
White Russian

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
