英语人>网络例句>Earth 相关的网络例句

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与 Earth 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, if search the information of concerned world revolution, think understanding spends the information that is apart from with ground day about banking angle especially, dip of hollow shaft of earth of importable Earth's Rotation Axis Tilt And Distance From Sun such whole expressions undertakes searching.

例如,如果搜索有关地球公转的信息,尤其是想了解有关倾斜角度和地日距离的信息,就可输入Earth's Rotation Axis Tilt and Distance from Sun(地球公转轴倾角及地日距离)这样的整个词句进行搜索。

11 Mass Distortion Earth Mass Distort Increases the weight of a single target enormously for an instant, causing internal damage equal to 25% of the monster's hit points plus another 2% per point of skill in Earth Magic.

11 力压千钧 Earth 力压千钧可以瞬间使目标的重量急剧增加,从而攻击其内部机能。

"We are with Google Earth, Virtual Earth is the ultimate goal Shututonggui, but we have to do is start a three-dimensional, and I believe this is our advantage."

"我们跟Google Earth、Virtual Earth最终的目的是殊途同归的,但我们一开始是做三维的,我相信这是我们的优势所在。"

Users on Virtual Earth and Google Earth on those monotonous "grey small box" are tired of.

用户们开始对Google Earth和Virtual Earth上那些单调的"灰色小盒子"感到厌倦了。

Google Earth is a satellite image browsing software, it provides a wide range of global image data by using "virtual earth" manner.

Google Earth是一个卫星影像浏览软件,它采用"虚拟地球"的方式,提供多种分辨率的全球影像数据。

Besides, the introductions of the Virtual Earth softwares, such as the Google Earth, also promote the study of the DGGS.

此外,Google Earth等虚拟地球软件的推出,对离散全球网格系统的研究也起到了促进作用。

The shock brigade burned the earth and got to the appointe 原文:The shock brigade burned the earth and got to the appointed position in 30 minutes.

原译:那突击队在地上放了一把火,在30分钟内赶到了指定阵地。辨析:从字面看,burn the earth是&烧地&,原译者加了一点工,译成了。。。

Google Earth seems to have been used inthis way by Iraqi insurgents planning attacks on a British base in the city ofBasra, for example, in which individual buildings and vehicles can be clearlyseen. After this came to light in January, the images of the area in questionwere replaced with images from 2002, predating the construction of the camp.

而且,似乎Google Earth已被伊拉克暴徒用来计划袭击Basra的英军基地,因为这一地区的独立建筑和车辆都可以在Google Earth上看得清清楚楚。1月,当事件因果浮出水面,出问题地区的图像被换成兵营建造之前的2002年的了。

First of all, with aluminum silicate, or cloth bleaching earth (Fuller's earth) or gastric tube every 2 hours to 60 grams of activated carbon for gastrointestinal lavage; hemoperfusion adsorption can be used following the poison can often save critically ill patients.

首先用矽酸铝,或漂布土(Fuller′s earth)或经胃管每2小时给活性炭60克作胃肠灌洗;继可用血液灌流吸附毒物往往能挽救重危患者。

A series of earth berms, and several wing-like concrete slabs, has transformed the entire area into what appears to be the contemporary version of a Neolithic earth shrine.

一系列的earth berms与一些翅膀状的水泥石板,将这整个区域转换成好像是现代版的新石器时期神庙。

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Earth Angel
God Has Come To Earth
I Feel The Earth Move
Peace On Earth
The Mass Of The Earth
Minor Earth / Major Sky
The Earth Is
Anywhere On Earth You Are
Last Man On Earth
Peace On Earth... Mother Earth... Third Stone From The Sun

The commercials enigmatically depicted various scenes from what appeared to be a short narrative that climaxed with a car crashing into a swimming pool.


If you are wanting the best, designer gold and diamond necklaces are the very best.


Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
