歌词 "Yes Out There" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Yes Out There



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a yes out there 还有一个是在那里

Lingering in the air 萦绕在空气中

It's got my name on it 它有我的名字就可以了

I will lay my claim on it 我把我的要求就可以了

So I expect nothing less 所以,我希望无外乎

Than my yes 比我是


God's promises are yea and Amen 神的应许是高雅和阿门

I trust and believe just what He said 我相信,相信正是他说,

God made me a promise 上帝创造了我一个承诺

His Word shall accomplish 他的话应完成

So I expect nothing less than my yes 所以,我希望比我是无所不及


The word God spoke can't fail 这个词说出神的话不能失败

He ordained every detail to prevail 他受戒的每一个细节为准

God made me a promise 上帝创造了我一个承诺

His word shall accomplish 他的话应完成

So I expect nothing less 所以,我希望无外乎

Than my yes 比我是


My yes is coming 我是来了

My yes is coming 我是来了

Oh oh oh yes 哦,哦,哦,是的


God promised me 上帝答应我

By faith I receive 因着信,我收到

He'll do just what He said 他会做的只是他说的话

My answer is yes 我的回答是肯定的

Yes 是的

歌词 Yes Out There 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/yes-out-there/