歌词 "Turpentine" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I watch you grow away from me in photographs 我看着你从我的照片中成长路程

And memories like spies 而回忆就像间谍

And salt betrays my eyes again 和盐再次背叛了我的眼睛

I started losing sleep and gaining weight 我开始失眠和体重增加

And wishing I was was ten again 并希望我又是10

So I could be your friend again 所以,我可以做你的朋友


These days we go to waste like wine 这些天,我们去浪费似酒

That's turned to turpentine 这是转向松节油

It's six AM and I'm all messed up 这是6点了,我全乱了

I didn't mean to waste your time 我不是故意要浪费你的时间

So I'll fall back in line 所以我会回落符合

But I'm warning you we're growing up 不过我警告你,我们长大了


I heard you found some pretty words to say 我听说你找到了一些漂亮的话想说

You found your little game to play 你发现你的小游戏玩

And there's no one allowed in 而且也没有人允许

Then just when we believe we could be great 然后,就在我们相信我们能成为伟大的

Reality it permeates 现实中,它渗透

And conquers from within again 从内再次征服


These days we go to waste like wine 这些天,我们去浪费似酒

That's turned to turpentine 这是转向松节油

It's six AM and I'm all messed up 这是6点了,我全乱了

I didn't mean to waste your time 我不是故意要浪费你的时间

So I'll fall back in line 所以我会回落符合

But I'm warning you we're growing up 不过我警告你,我们长大了


We're OK I know we're OK 我们确定,我知道就好了

These days we go to waste like wine 这些天,我们去浪费似酒

That's turned to turpentine 这是转向松节油

It's six AM and I'm all messed up 这是6点了,我全乱了

I didn't mean to waste your time 我不是故意要浪费你的时间

So I'll fall back in line 所以我会回落符合

But I'm warning you we're growing up 不过我警告你,我们长大了

歌词 Turpentine 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/turpentine/

歌词 Turpentine 的作者与版权信息:


Brandi M. Carlile


Southern Oracle Music LLC