歌词 "Strange World" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Strange World



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We walk without a sound across a barren landscape 我们不走跨越贫瘠的土地声音

Your eyes are twisted down to a dew entrailed ground 你的眼睛是扭曲降低到露点entrailed地

We watch the stars as they slowly fade away and in the clearing sky I see 看明星,因为他们慢慢地消失,并在清算天空喔

The cold stone face of morning setting in on me 冰冷的石面早上在我的设置

It's a strange world 这是一个陌生的世界

It's a very strange world that leaves me 这是一个非常奇怪的世界留给我

Holding on to nothing when there's nothing left to lose 抱着一种什么时,有没有什么可以失去

Your touch is cold and damp, the devil's in your eyes 你的触摸是寒冷和潮湿,魔鬼在你的眼睛

I wonder why I always let you lead me on this way 我不知道为什么我总是让你带我在这条路上

'Cause you see only what you want to see “因为你看到你想看到的只是什么

You feel only what you want to 你觉得只有你所想

And I am on the outside of your strange world 而我对你陌生的世界之外

It's a strange world 这是一个陌生的世界

It's a very strange world that leaves me 这是一个非常奇怪的世界留给我

Holding on to nothing when there's nothing left to lose 抱着一种什么时,有没有什么可以失去

We're walking hand in hand, we'll walk this way forever 我们手拉手,我们会走这样永远

Our eyes have risen to the water's edge watching with the tides 我们的眼睛已经上升到水边看的潮汐

The stars have fallen to another day and the sun warms our path to 星星已经下降到另一天,阳光温暖我们的路径

Find the reasons leave us far behind in our strange world 找到原因离开我们远远落后于我们的陌生的世界

It's a strange world 这是一个陌生的世界

It's a very strange world that leaves me 这是一个非常奇怪的世界留给我

Holding on to nothing when there's nothing left to lose 抱着一种什么时,有没有什么可以失去

歌词 Strange World 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/strange-world-3/

歌词 Strange World 的作者与版权信息:


Sarah Ann Mclachlan


Music Corp. Of America Inc., Nettoverboard Publishing