歌词 "Severance" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hey, I forgot 嘿,我忘了

Tripping into traffic, 跳入交通,

Hypnotized by the Northern Lights 由北极光催眠

Dead end block 穷途末路块

Static on the ceiling 静在天花板上

I got sucked in 我被吸入


Hey, present tense 嘿,现在时

Slipping on the silence 滑倒在沉默

Like a cloak made of rainy nights 像做雨夜的外衣

Common sense 常识

Barking out the order I got sucked in 吠了我被吸入的顺序


I don’t know what I’m doing 我不知道我在做什么

The uncertainty is looming 的不确定性隐现

Every heart rents a lonely room 每次心脏租一个孤独的房间

This fever is forever 这发烧是永远的

I’m not ready when they sever 我还没准备好,当他们断绝

You from me, it will be too soon 你从我这里,这将是太早


Hey, I forgot 嘿,我忘了

Damage to the daughters 损坏的女儿

And the sons who will never learn 和儿子谁永远也学不会

If I get caught 如果我被抓住

Promise me you’ll run 答应我,你会碰到

And you won’t stop 你会不会停止


Hey, digging in 嘿,挖

Cut me so I’ll feel 砍我,所以我会觉得

Like there’s a chance that I won’t return 像有一个机会,我不会回来

Digging in

Hold me here forever 拥抱我永远在这里

Please don’t stop 请不要停止


I don’t know what I’m doing 我不知道我在做什么

The uncertainty is looming 的不确定性隐现

Every heart rents a lonely room 每次心脏租一个孤独的房间

This fever is forever 这发烧是永远的

I’m not ready when they sever 我还没准备好,当他们断绝

You from me, it will be too soon 你从我这里,这将是太早


The shock slips in 在震荡中单

The ship sails on 船在航行

I curse myself and everyone 我诅咒我自己,每个人都

You will leave no name 你会不留姓名

You will leave no trace 你会不留痕迹

Just a question mark 只是一个问号

And an empty space 和一个空的空间


Yeah, I forgot 是啊,我忘了

Hold me here forever and don’t stop 拥抱我这里永远不会停止

Yeah, digging in 是啊,挖

Tangle with yourself and you can’t win 纠结着自己,你赢不了


Yeah, I forgot 是啊,我忘了

Hold me here forever and don’t stop 拥抱我这里永远不会停止

Yeah, digging in 是啊,挖

Tangle with yourself and you won’t win 纠结着自己,你不会赢

歌词 Severance 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/severance-1/

歌词 Severance 的作者与版权信息:


Justin Courtney Pierre, Joshua Allen Cain, Jesse Mack Johnson, Matthew Scott Taylor, Tony Richard Thaxton


Hooray Let'S Fight, Chrysalis Music