歌词 "Punch-Drunk Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Punch-Drunk Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Funny, cute and kissable 搞笑,可爱,诱人亲吻

I've found a girl that makes me lose control 我发现一个女孩,让我失去控制

Every night's like the first night 每天晚上,就像第一夜

Never gettin' old 决不刚开了老


Passed out on her bathroom floor 醉倒在她的浴室地板

Still drunk from the night before 从晚上还是醉

But when this party ends, 但是,当这个派对结束后,

Wake up and do it again 醒来,做一遍


Knock me out 敲我

Hit me with your punch-drunk love 我打你一拳,醉爱

Got me figured out, girl 让我想通了,女孩

It's not a enough, it's not enough 这不是一个就够了,这是不够的


Knock me out 敲我

Hit me 'till you just can't stop 打我直到你就不能停止

What you're all about 你是怎么一回事

Girl, just hit me with your punch-drunk love 女孩,刚刚打了我与你的模糊不清的爱


I like a girl that can take control 我喜欢一个女孩能接受控制

Funny, cute and kissable 搞笑,可爱,诱人亲吻

I had it figured out 我也想通了

Now my room is spinning 'round 现在,我的房间在旋转轮


I'm not looking to settle down 我并不想安定下来

Just want to mess around 只是想勾搭

She walks like she knows 她走路像她知道

What she's doing to me 她在做什么,以我

I said, "All my friends think I'm going crazy" 我说, “我所有的朋友都认为我要疯了”


Knock me out 敲我

Hit me with your punch-drunk love 我打你一拳,醉爱

Got me figured out, girl 让我想通了,女孩

It's not a enough, it's not enough 这不是一个就够了,这是不够的


Knock me out 敲我

Hit me 'till you just can't stop 打我直到你就不能停止

What you're all about 你是怎么一回事

Girl, just hit me with your punch 女孩,刚刚打了我一拳你

Hit me with your punch-drunk love 我打你一拳,醉爱


When the weekend ends, we'll do this again 在上周末结束时,我们会再次这样做

Yeah, keep putting dirty thoughts in my head 是啊,不断地将肮脏的想法在我的脑海


Funny, cute and kissable 搞笑,可爱,诱人亲吻

I've found a girl that makes me lose control 我发现一个女孩,让我失去控制

Every night's like the first night 每天晚上,就像第一夜

Never gettin' old 决不刚开了老


Knock me out 敲我

Hit me with your punch-drunk love 我打你一拳,醉爱

Got me figured out, girl 让我想通了,女孩

It's not a enough, it's not enough 这不是一个就够了,这是不够的


Knock me out 敲我

Hit me 'till you just can't stop 打我直到你就不能停止

What you're all about 你是怎么一回事

Girl, just hit me with your punch-drunk love 女孩,刚刚打了我与你的模糊不清的爱


Knock me out 敲我

Hit me with your punch-drunk love 我打你一拳,醉爱

Just hit me with your punch 刚刚打了我一拳你

Hit me with your punch-drunk love 我打你一拳,醉爱

Punch-drunk love 模糊不清的爱

Just hit me with your punch-drunk love 只是打我的模糊不清的爱

歌词 Punch-Drunk Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/punch-drunk-love-2/

歌词 Punch-Drunk Love 的作者与版权信息:


John Gomez, Joshua Montgomery, Stephen Gomez, Brian Dales, Jessica Bowen


Razor & Tie Direct LLC Dba Razor & Tie Music Publishing, Razor And Tie Music Pub O.B.O. Something Heavy Publishing