歌词 "Peaceable Kingdom" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Peaceable Kingdom



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A wave toward the clearing the sky 向结算天空浪潮


All this time we're talking and sharing our rational view 这一切的时候,我们正在谈论和分享我们理性看待

A billion other voices are spreading other news 有十亿其他的声音正在蔓延等消息

All this time we're living and trying to understand 这一切的时候,我们是生活,并试图了解

Why a billion other choices are making their demands 为什么一个十亿其他的选择都在他们的要求


Talk of a peaceable kingdom à和平的国度的通话

Talk of a time without fear 一时间通话,而不必担心

The ones we wish would listen 我们希望会听的那些

Are never going to hear 永远不会听到


Justice against the hanged man 对被绞死的人绳之以法

Knight of Wands against the hour 魔杖对抗小时骑士

Swords against the kingdom 针对国剑

Time against the tower 对塔时间


All this time we're shuffling and laying out all our cards 这一切的时候,我们正在洗牌,并奠定了我们所有的卡

While a billion other dealers are slipping past our guards 虽然十亿其他经销商也在悄然过去我们的卫兵

All this time we're hoping and praying we all might learn 这段时间我们希望和祈祷,我们都可以学习

While a billion other teachers are teaching them how to burn 虽然十亿别的老师都教导他们如何刻录


Dream of a peaceable kingdom 梦想和平的国度

Dream of a time without war 梦的时候没有战争

The ones we wish would hear us 我们希望能听到我们的人

Have heard it all before 有没有听说过这一切之前


A wave toward the clearing sky 向结算天空浪潮

A wave toward the clearing sky 向结算天空浪潮


The hermit against the lovers 对恋人的隐士

Or the devil against the fool 或对傻瓜恶魔

Swords against the kingdom 针对国剑

The wheel against the rules 违反规定的车轮


All this time we're burning like bonfires in the dark 这段时间我们像燃烧在黑暗中篝火

A billion other blazes are shooting off their sparks 有十亿其它大火拍摄了他们的火花

Every spark a drifting ember of desire 每一个火花欲望的漂流烬

To fall upon the earth and spark another fire 要降临地球,引发另一场大火


A homeward angel on the fly 在飞天使归途

A wave toward the clearing sky 向结算天空浪潮

歌词 Peaceable Kingdom 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/peaceable-kingdom-1/

歌词 Peaceable Kingdom 的作者与版权信息:


Geddy Lee, Neil Peart, Alex Lifeson


Core Music Publishing