歌词 "One Of Those Things" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

One Of Those Things



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You know, recently I was thinking 你知道,最近我在想

I was thinking about one thing and the other 我在想一件事,另一

and music crossed my mind Yeah? Yeah 和音乐掠过我脑海呀?是啊

It occurred to me to switch on the radio 它发生在我打开收音机

I wanted to hear some music 我想听到一些音乐


So I turned it on, it was Radio One, 于是我打开它,它是一个广播电台,

Sid Jenkins on the air SID詹金斯在空气

He had synthesizers and soulful guises, 他有合成器和深情的伪装,

I think you know the type of thing - Sure. 我想你知道事情的类型 - 当然。

it was alright It was OK ? 它是好的就OK了?

I'm not lodging any complaints or anything, 我没有递交任何投诉或任何东西,

there was just one problem 有这样一个问题

What was that? 那是什么?

It all sounded the same 这一切听起来一样

You mean it all sounded similar? 你的意思是这一切听起来相似?

I mean it all sounded the same 我的意思是这一切听起来一样


Anyway, so I started asking around, you know. 无论如何,所以我就开始到处打听,你知道的。

I started making a few enquiries, 我开始做了一些调查,

just putting out a few feelers 只是把了几个试探

Yeah? Yeah. 是吗?是啊。

I had a word with a couple of so called socialists on my way 我有一对夫妇的所谓社会主义者一句话对我的方式

And during the course of our conversation 和我们谈话的过程中,

I put to them a question, I said: 我把他们的问题,我说:

"How do you feel about Ireland?" “你怎么觉得爱尔兰? ”

Ireland? Yeah, Ireland 爱尔兰?是的,爱尔兰

That place, it's just across the sea 那个地方,它只是隔海相望

Oh yeah, I know the place 哦,是的,我知道的地方

Well they said: 嗯,他们说:

"We're for Sandinista, Cuba's militia, “我们对桑地诺,古巴的民兵,

the P L O, M.P.L.A, Afghanistan and Babylon" 在P L O, M.P.L.A ,阿富汗和巴比伦“

They went on and on and on and on. 他们继续和和和。

And I said: "Alright, Alright, 我说: “好吧,好吧,

but what do you think about Belfast?" 但你想想贝尔法斯特? “

And what did they say? 和他们说了什么?

Well, their replies were various 那么,他们的回答是不同的

but they all had one thing m common. 但他们都有一个共同点米。

And what was that? 并且那是什么?


They all sounded the same 他们都响起了同样的

You mean they sounded alike ? 你的意思是他们吹响的喜爱呢?

They all sounded the same 他们都响起了同样的


Well, that's about the size of it, 嗯,这是关于它的大小,

what can I tell you? You tell me. I dunno, 我能告诉你吗?你告诉我。我不知道,

It's just one of those of things 这只是那些东西之一

What you mean one of 'those' things? 你的意思了那些的事情吗?

Yeah, one of those things 是啊,那些东西之一

歌词 One Of Those Things 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/one-of-those-things-1/