歌词 "My Friend Of Misery" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Friend Of Misery



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You just stood there screaming 你只是站在那里尖叫

Fearing no one was listening to you 由于担心没有人听你

They say the empty can rattles the most 他们说,空罐最摇铃

The sound of your voice must soothe you 你的声音必须抚慰你

Hearing only what you want to hear 只有你想听到的听力

And knowing only what you've heard 而只有知道你听说过

You you're smothered in tragedy 你,你在扼杀的悲剧

You're out to save the world 你出来拯救世界


Misery 苦难

You insist that the weight of the world 你坚持认为,世界的重量

Should be on your shoulders 应该是在你的肩膀

Misery 苦难

There's much more to life than what you see 还有更多的生命比你所看到的

My friend of misery 我的痛苦的朋友


You still stood there screaming 你还站在那里尖叫

No one caring about these words you tell 没有人关心这些话告诉你

My friend before your voice is gone 我的你的声音之前,朋友走了

One man's fun is another's hell 一个人的乐趣是另一个人的地狱

These times are sent to try men's souls 这些时间都是为了考验人的灵魂

But something's wrong with all you see 但是,什么是错与所有你看到的

You you'll take it on all yourself 你,你会把它所有的自己

Remember, misery loves company 请记住,同病相怜


Misery 苦难

You insist that the weight of the world 你坚持认为,世界的重量

Should be on your shoulders 应该是在你的肩膀

Misery 苦难

There's much more to life than what you see 还有更多的生命比你所看到的

My friend of misery 我的痛苦的朋友


You just stood there creaming 你只是站在那里膏

My friend of misery 我的痛苦的朋友

歌词 My Friend Of Misery 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-friend-of-misery/

歌词 My Friend Of Misery 的作者与版权信息:


Jason C. Newsted, James Alan Hetfield, Lars Ulrich


Creeping Death Music