歌词 "My Demise B.C." 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Demise B.C.


歌词相关歌手:WEDNESDAY 13

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a crack in the frame, 有一个在画面的裂缝,

But the photo is the same, 但照片是一样的,

But I don't recognize the face, 但是,我不承认,面对,

It looks a lot like me, or who I used to be, 它看起来很像我,还是谁,我曾经是,

Now there's no one but myself to blame, 现在有没有人,但我自己惹的祸,

Now the shadows are all around, 现在的阴影周围的一切,

Mines's nowhere to be found. 矿业的无处可寻。


Pull the wings off a fly, 拉翅膀断了一只苍蝇,

Watch it suffer and die, 看着它受苦和死亡,

And I'll never get out of this life alive, 我永远不会离开这个生活中活着,

Drenched in blood with no alibi, 淋过血,没有不在场证明,

And the crowd goes wild at my demise. 和人群发狂我灭亡。


Through this bottle I can see, 通过这个瓶子,我可以看到,

My firends and enemies, 我的朋友那里获知和敌人,

As they turn their backs to me, 当他们背对我,

But who's really to blame, 但谁是真正的罪魁祸首,

Myself or just my name, 我自己或者只是我的名字,

In the end, I can't win. 最后,我赢不了。

The shadows are all around, 在阴影周围的一切,

Mines's nowhere to be found. 矿业的无处可寻。


Pull the wings off a fly, 拉翅膀断了一只苍蝇,

Watch it suffer and die, 看着它受苦和死亡,

And I'll never get out of this life alive, 我永远不会离开这个生活中活着,

Drenched in blood with no alibi, 淋过血,没有不在场证明,

And the crowd goes wild at my demise 和人群发狂我灭亡

歌词 My Demise B.C. 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-demise-bc/