歌词 "Mother Of Violence" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Mother Of Violence



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Walking the street with her naked feet, 走在大街上,她赤裸的脚,

So full of rhythm but I can't find the beat. 因此,富有节奏感,但我找不到节拍。

Snapping her heels, clicking her toes, 捕捉她的高跟鞋,点击她的脚趾,

Everybody knows just where she goes. 大家都知道,只是她去哪里。


Fear, Fear, she's the mother of Violence, 恐惧,害怕,她的暴力,母亲,

Making me tense to watch the way she breed. 让我紧张的看着她的繁殖方式。

Fear, she's the mother of Violence, 恐惧,她的暴力,母亲,

You know self-defense is all you need. 你知道正当防卫是你所需要的。

It's getting hard to breathe, 这是越来越难以呼吸,

It's getting so hard to believe, 它变得这么难相信,

To believe in anything at all. 相信任何事情。


Mouth all dry, eyes bloodshot, 口全干,眼睛布满血丝,

Data stored on a microdot. 存储在微点的数据。

Kicking the cloud with my moccasin shoes, 踢云与我的莫卡辛鞋,

TV dinner, TV news. 电视晚餐,电视新闻。


Fear, Fear, she's the mother of Violence, 恐惧,害怕,她的暴力,母亲,

Don't make any sense to watch the way she breed. 不要让任何意义看她的繁殖方式。

Fear, she's the mother of Violence, 恐惧,她的暴力,母亲,

Making me tense to watch the way she feed. 让我紧张的看着她喂的方式。

The only way you know she's there 你知道她的唯一方法是有

Is the subtle flavor in the air. 是在空气中的细微味道。

Getting hard to breathe, 越来越难以呼吸,

Getting hard to believe in anything at all 入门很难相信任何东西

But Fear. 但是恐惧。

歌词 Mother Of Violence 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mother-of-violence/

歌词 Mother Of Violence 的作者与版权信息:


Jill Gabriel, Peter Gabriel


Real World Music Ltd.