歌词 "It's Not Over (If I'm Not Over You)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It's Not Over (If I'm Not Over You)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You can tell everyone love is over and done 你可以告诉大家爱情是完结了

You can pack all your things and go 你可以收拾你所有的东西去

You can lie to yourself and say there's nothing left 你可以骗自己,说什么都不剩

But there's one thing I'd like you to know. 但有一件事我想你知道。


That it's never really over 这是从来没有过

Even though you say we're through 即使你说我们是通过

You may be over me but can't you see 你可能会超过我,但你不能看到

It's not over if I'm not over you. 这还没有结束,如果我不是你。


There's not much I can do if it's over for you 有没有什么我可以做的,如果它是在对你

I'll just wish you the best when you leave 我只是希望你最好当你离开

But you play such a part in my life and in my heart 但你在我的生命和我的心脏起到这样的一部分

You'll always be a part of me. 你永远是我的一部分。


That it's never really over 这是从来没有过

Even though you say we're through 即使你说我们是通过

You may be over me but can't you see 你可能会超过我,但你不能看到

It's not over if I'm not over you. 这还没有结束,如果我不是你。


You may be over me but can't you see 你可能会超过我,但你不能看到

It's not over if I'm not over you... 这还没有结束,如果我不是对你......

歌词 It's Not Over (If I'm Not Over You) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it_s-not-over-if-i_m-not-over-you/

歌词 It's Not Over (If I'm Not Over You) 的作者与版权信息:


Reba Mcentire, Mark Wright, Shawna Harrington-Burkhart, Larry Kingston


Gary S. Paxton Publc. Inc., Vogue Music, WB Music Corp., Hall Clement Publishing