歌词 "If Love Were All" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

If Love Were All



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Fate may often treat me meanly 命运往往刻薄对待我

But I keenly pursue 但我强烈地追求

A little mirage in the blue, 有点海市蜃楼的蓝色,

Determination helps me through. 决心帮助我度过。


Though I never really grumble, 虽然我从来没有真正抱怨,

Life's a jumble indeed 生命是一个混乱确实

And in my efforts to succeed 在我的努力取得成功

I've had to formulate a creed. 我已经制定的信条。


I believe in doing what I can 我相信,在做什么,我可以

In crying when I must 在哭的时候我一定要

In laughing when I choose 在当我选择笑

Hey ho, if love were all 嘿嗬,如果爱都

I should be lonely. 我会寂寞。


I believe the more you love a man, 我相信,你越爱一个男人,

The more you give your trust, 你越给你的信任,

The more you're bound to lose. 越是你一定会输。

Although when shadows fall 虽然当阴影落下

I think if only 我想,如果只

Somebody splendid really needed me 有人SPLENDID真的需要我

Someone affectionate and dear 有人亲热和尊敬

Cares would be ended if I knew that he 如果我知道他在乎会结束

Wanted to have me near. 想有我靠近。


But I believe that since my life began 但我相信,因为我的生活开始

The most I've had is just a talent to amuse. 最我已经仅仅是一个人才逗。

Hey ho, if love were all. 嘿嗬,如果爱是一切。

Hey ho, if love were all. 嘿嗬,如果爱是一切。


Although when shadows fall 虽然当阴影落下

I think if only 我想,如果只

Somebody splendid really needed me 有人SPLENDID真的需要我

Someone affectionate and dear 有人亲热和尊敬

Cares would be ended if I knew that he 如果我知道他在乎会结束

Wanted to have me near. 想有我靠近。


But I believe that since my life began 但我相信,因为我的生活开始

The most I've had is just a talent to amuse. 最我已经仅仅是一个人才逗。

Hey ho, if love were all. 嘿嗬,如果爱是一切。

Hey ho, if love were all. 嘿嗬,如果爱是一切。


Hey ho, if love were all. 嘿嗬,如果爱是一切。

歌词 If Love Were All 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/if-love-were-all/