歌词 "I'll Settle For You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I'll Settle For You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Every star has a twinkle 每个明星都有闪烁

Every palm has a wrinkle 每掌都有皱纹

Every leaf comes from a tree 每一片叶子来自一棵树

I would agree 我会同意


So if everything is made up of two 因此,如果一切由两

And the sky really needs the blue 和天空真正需要的蓝

For my other half 对于我的另一半

I'll settle for you 我会满足于你


Every future has a past 每个未来都有过去

Every first has a last 每一个第一次有一个最后

Every night has a day 每天晚上都有一天

Come what may 不管发生什么事


So if everything is made up of two 因此,如果一切由两

Whether it be old or new 无论是旧的或新的

For my other half 对于我的另一半

I'll settle for you 我会满足于你


Who wants to be like a sea without a shore 谁愿意像海无岸

The love just drifting forever more 爱情只是漂流直到永远

Every smile has a frown 每一个微笑都有一颦

All you gotta do is turn it upside down 你要做的就是把它倒过来

Every house has a door 每家都有一扇门

Of that I'm sure 那我敢肯定


So if everything is made up of two 因此,如果一切由两

I think it would be best if you know 我认为这将是最好的,如果你知道

For my other half 对于我的另一半

I'll settle for you 我会满足于你

Don't you know, I'll settle for you 难道你不知道,我会满足你

I'll settle for you 我会满足于你

If I had to settle, baby 如果我不得不退而求其次,婴儿

I'll settle for you 我会满足于你

Don't you know, I'll settle for you 难道你不知道,我会满足你

歌词 I'll Settle For You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i_ll-settle-for-you/