歌词 "G.A.T." 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Intro: Miko the Pharoah (Christbearer)] [简介:巫女的法老( Christbearer )

Yeah, North Star, what? (Yeah, ye-yeah) 是啊,北辰,是什么? (是啊,你们,是啊)

(Ye-yeah, ye-yeah, ye-yeah) What? What? What? (叶啊,你们,是啊,你们是啊)是什么?什么?什么?

(Ye-yeah, ye-yeah, ye-yeah) What? What? What? (叶啊,你们,是啊,你们是啊)是什么?什么?什么?

(Ye-yeah, ye-yeah, ye-yeah) Christbearer (叶啊,你们,是啊,你们是啊) Christbearer

Ye-yeah 叶耶


[Christbearer (Meko the Pharaoh):] [ Christbearer (梅科老王) : ]

Christbearer make 'em all fall down Christbearer制作它们都沦陷,

'Til they kneal and get the feelin, Motherless and Heaven-bound 直到他们kneal并获得感觉,没有母亲和天堂绑定

(Heaven-bound) (天绑定)

Don't ask me why I chase the cat 不要问我为什么我追猫

Or do the dog-catcher with a rat 'til the dog spawn crack 或做狗捕手与老鼠,直到狗重生裂缝

Killa Beez attack with D's on the Lex and the cleavebacks 与D的对莱克斯和cleavebacks Killa的Beez攻击

With Siamese macks (Long Beach) 与连体macks (长滩)

Now girls, release the hounds 现在的女孩,释放猎犬

We impeach, that Caprice the ground (Yeah) 我们弹劾,那随想地面(是啊)

Beat up all dragons, but we unleashin now 打败了所有的龙,但是我们现在unleashin

Run the beast through towns 'til the beef is ground (North Star) 贯穿镇“野兽直到牛肉是地面(北极星)

Now, I've seen fire and I've seen rain 现在,我已经看到了火灾和我见过的雨

And sweet baby James in the black flames 和甜蜜宝贝詹姆斯在黑色火焰

With the Carolina in my mind, searchin for a rhyme 与卡罗来纳州在我的脑海, searchin的韵

Came back with the black sunshine 带回来的黑色阳光

And fuck ya friends, all of them come and go (Yeah) 他妈的雅的朋友,所有的人都来来去去(是啊)

And they never come to see you when ya money gets low (Low) 他们从来没有来看望你的时候雅的钱变少(低)

Then let the record show that you could never love a ho 然后让记录显示,你可以永远爱浩

In debt to treat the baddest bitches like so-so (so-so) 在债务处理最不好的母狗一样马马虎虎(马马虎虎)

I'm from the N-O-R-T-H where niggaz is forged to G cakes 我在这里的兄弟们是伪造的与G蛋糕北林

With the three eight's, sedate, niggaz that caught a gate (What?) 随着三八的,稳重的,兄弟们抓住了门(什么? )

See people make the world rotate 看人家让世界转动

And I give 'em God in the flesh, the ass to test the vest 我给他们的神在肉身的屁股来测试背心

Stress and manifest success 压力和明显的成功

I make 'em all say, "Yes", impress and address 我让他们所有说“是”,打动和地址

The G.P. like L.S.D. (Uh-huh) 该G.P。像L.S.D. (嗯)

I'm a take you out way out (way out) where ya never been before 我是一个带你出去出路(出路),其中雅从来没有过

Into the coke and they laid out 成焦炭,他们制定了

Hittin California corners in the legs 是地球加州角的腿

Hittin Tony Romma's with the police on us (on us) 是地球托尼Romma与美国警察(美国)

(One) And I don't give a fuck about the cops (一)我不给一个关于警察他妈的

With Mac in the peanut cups, spendin the high rise 与Mac中的花生杯,赵本山高层


[Doc Doom (Meko the Pharaoh):] [文件末日(梅科老王) : ]

Gangstas make the world go round (Long Beach) 帮派分子让世界去圆(长滩)

North town, Comp-town, puttin it down, Cali bound 北镇,比较镇, puttin下来,势必卡利

We smoke, we joke, in the city of dogs and locs 我们抽烟,我们开玩笑说,在城市的狗和LOCS的

Don't get ya pass revoked 不要让亚通吊销


[Shyheim:] [ Shyheim : ]

We smack niggaz like you and tell 'em, "Go get ya gun" 我们嫌的兄弟们喜欢你,并告诉他们, “去获得亚枪”

As far as I'm concerned you could suck dick and swallow cum 就我而言,你可以吸迪克和吞咽暨

I'm God-son, the rose of salvation 我是神的儿子,救赎的玫瑰

Product of the ghetto, I'm the street's creation 贫民窟的产品,我在街上的创作

I'm move like vampires, only at night 我谨吸血鬼一样,只在晚上

Hand grip like pliers on the glock with rapid fire 像与速射格洛克钳子手柄

Goin haywire, I stab a nigga 'til my arm gets tired 布莱恩失控,我刺了一个黑人,直到我的胳膊累了


[Solomon Childs:] [所罗门柴尔兹: ]

Thugz make the world go round, bloodhounds Thugz让世界去圆,警犬

Body Brighton town, Now Born town 身体布莱顿小镇,现在全镇出生

Staple-town, Park Hill bloodhounds 主食镇,园山警犬

Thugz make the world go round, world go round Thugz让世界去圆,世界运转


[12 O'Clock:] [ 12点: ]

I'm Brooklyn bound, I break ya ass down 我是布鲁克林的约束,我打破雅屁股向下

Hardcore type sound that vibrates the whole ground 性交类型的声音,震动了整个地面

Around and around, where I stop, no one know 一圈又一圈,我在那里停下来,没有人知道

But if I'm comin ya way, best bet to get ghost 但是,如果我马上就要雅办法,最好的办法来获得鬼

Champagne to toast, all cheers to this host 香槟敬酒,所有的欢呼声此主机

I rock coast to coast, any state that I approach 我摇滚东海岸到西海岸,我向任何状态

When catch the blast of a blunt of a Philly 如果赶上费城的钝爆炸

I get crazy stupid, I got more bodies than Billy 我得到疯狂愚蠢的,我得到了比比利更多的尸体

The kid drops rhymes with a mind like Einstein 孩子滴韵与像爱因斯坦的头脑

Never the swine, I love my family cause they mine 从来没有猪,我爱我家的事业,他们挖掘

Check out my shit when I slam from my lips 看看我妈,当我从我的嘴唇踩住

It's never no riff cause my people come thick 这是从来没有的riff使我的百姓纷至沓来

It's 12 O'Clock in effect gettin wreck 这是12点生效刚开残骸

See I pack a Tec if some beef on ya projects 看我收拾Tec的,如果在亚项目的一些牛肉

Nevertheless, I rock and roll like Elvis 不过,我对摇滚乐的猫王一样

Stay fresh dipped from the feet to the pelvis 保持新鲜的脚蘸到骨盆

Thugz make the world go round, world go round Thugz让世界去圆,世界运转


[Christbearer:] [ Christbearer : ]

Gangstas make the world go round, world go round 帮派分子让世界去圆,世界运转


[Solomon Childs:] [所罗门柴尔兹: ]

Thugz make the world go round, world go round Thugz让世界去圆,世界运转


[Doc Doom:] [文件末日: ]

Gangstas make the world go round, world go round 帮派分子让世界去圆,世界运转


[Meko the Pharaoh:] [梅科老王: ]

Meko the Pharaoh shootin down niggaz with black arrows MEKO老王乱射下来的兄弟们用黑色箭头

A soldier from the Wild Wild West 从狂野西部一个士兵

Rollin through city streets in a North Star vest 通过城市街道的北星背心罗林

Funny niggaz get scared as fuck quick 搞笑的兄弟们感到害怕因为他妈的快

Cause they man didn't learn to duck shit 因为他们的人没有学会鸭屎

Now that nigga's duck sick, from the flick of the wick 现在黑人的鸭子生病了,从芯轻弹

Media 'vict, deep shit 传媒VICT ,深狗屎

Women and man starts to happily flip 妇女与男子开始愉快地翻转

When I grab the mic grip, start tossin up shit 当我抢麦克风握,启动狱了狗屎

Y'all niggaz never thought North Stars would make it 你们都的兄弟们从来没有想到北群星将使

Now ya gettin mad when ya girl starts to shake it 现在,雅刚开的时候狂亚女孩开始摇晃

And Wu-Wear, the Wu-World Order 吴磨损,在武世界秩序

North Stars wet niggaz' ass like toilet water 北星潮湿的兄弟们“屁股像花露水

Cause gangstas make the world go round 原因帮派分子让世界去圆

Gangstas make the world go round, world go round 帮派分子让世界去圆,世界运转


[12 O'Clock:] [ 12点: ]

Thugz make the world go round Thugz让世界去圆

Thugz make the world go round, world go round Thugz让世界去圆,世界运转


[Christbearer:] [ Christbearer : ]

Gangstas make the world go round 帮派分子让世界去圆

Gangstas make the world go round, world go round 帮派分子让世界去圆,世界运转


[Solomon Childs:] [所罗门柴尔兹: ]

Thugz make the world go round Thugz让世界去圆

Thugz make the world go round, world go round Thugz让世界去圆,世界运转


[Monk:] [僧: ]

Gangstas make the world go round 帮派分子让世界去圆

Gangstas make the world go round, world go round 帮派分子让世界去圆,世界运转


[Shyheim:] [ Shyheim : ]

Thugz make the world go round Thugz让世界去圆

Thugz make the worl Thugz使均居世界

歌词 G.A.T. 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/gat/

歌词 G.A.T. 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
  • 专辑歌手:RZA
2 Left Shoes
And Justice For All
Beat You Down
Bebop (Live At Rooftop)
Biochemical Equation
Deadly Venoms
Doe Rae Wu
Evil Deeds
Free Like ODB
Just Blowin' In The Wind
KB Ridin'
Killa Beez
La Rhumba (Re-mix)
NYC Crack
Ode To Django (The D Is Silent)
Ode To Oren Ishii
Only The Rugged Survive
Ooh I Love You Rakeem
Robbery (Revelations Remix)
Saian (Remix)
Samurai Showdown (Raise Your Sword)
So High
Something I Want (For Real)
Terrorist (Japanese Version)
Tribute To The 5th Brother
U Used 2 Be
Unleash Me
We Pop (Remix)
Who's The Champion
Wise Men
Wu-Wear: The Garment Renaissance
You Don't Own Me
You Must Be Dreaming
  • 专辑年份:2002
  • 专辑歌手:WU-TANG CLAN
  • 类别:compilation
Killa Beez
Out Think Me Now
Bar Mitzvah
Doe Rae Wu
Bluntz, Martinez, Girlz, & Guns
Dancing With Wolves
Spend Money
Take Up Space
Get At Me
Spit That G
Hatin' Don't Pay
When You Come Home
KB Ridin'
La Rhumba (Re-mix)
Silent B.G.
'U' All 'N'
Real Estate
Who The Fuck Is That?
Woodson N Worthin
Switch My Style
Kushn N' Puschn
I Get Around
G-Funk Is Here To Stay
I Walk Alone
The Closer I Get To You
I Think I Love You
Oh Great God, Give Us Rest
Don't Call Here No More
Poison Sugar
Bitch (Skit)
Realist Bitch Alive
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark
Love Of Life
Angel In The Snow
Too Sad To Cry
Space Bound
Northern Skies
Who Needs Money
Easy Persuasion
Seven Turns
Serial Killer
歌词 G.A.T. 的作者与版权信息:


Dennis David Coles, Clifford Smith, Robert F. Diggs


Wu Tang Publishing Inc., Universal Music - Careers