歌词 "Franklin Limestone" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Franklin Limestone



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Franklin Limestone, always been my home 富兰克林石灰石,一直是我的家

I was born in Nashville, a place I call my own 我出生在纳什维尔,我把我自己的地方

Where the mountains, and the rivers, and the valleys 那里的山和河流,山谷

We were married, you and me 我们结婚了,你和我


We were both so happy just being together 我们俩都好开心同聚的时光

Like a possum in the wood 像在木头负鼠

So please forgive me if I forget to tell you 所以,请原谅我,如果我忘了告诉你

What you mean to me 你对我意味着什么


Hard cold winter took away my mother 硬盘寒冷的冬天带走了我的母亲

Papa got the fever, Lord he said he couldn't leave her 爸爸得了热病,主,他说,他不能离开她

You carried me through bad times, through the worst times 您可以通过不好的时候背着我,经过最糟糕的时代

You were my driving wheel 你是我的驱动轮


We were both so happy just being together 我们俩都好开心同聚的时光

Like a possum in the wood 像在木头负鼠

So please forgive me if I forget to tell you 所以,请原谅我,如果我忘了告诉你

What you mean to me 你对我意味着什么


Workin in a coal mine, slaving in the day time 干活的煤矿,奴隶在一天的时间

Lookin to the Good Lord for any peace of mind 看着给好耶的心态任何和平

The feeling if you left me on that hillside 这种感觉,如果你把我留在那山坡

Would break this heart of mine 将打破我的这个心脏


We were both so happy just being together 我们俩都好开心同聚的时光

Like a possum in the wood 像在木头负鼠

So please forgive me if I forget to tell you 所以,请原谅我,如果我忘了告诉你

Lord, what you mean to me 主啊,你的意思我

歌词 Franklin Limestone 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/franklin-limestone/