英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Nightrider 中的所有曲目
专辑 Nightrider 中的所有曲目:



类型: album


[English lyric] There's a place not too far away from here Out with the cows and the Lone Star beer Where the livin' and lovin' is quite all right with me Well they call it Texas and it's a ...

[中文对照] 有一个地方不太远,从这里 用牛和龙星啤酒 凡活着的和爱着是相当好的我 那么,他们把它叫做德州,这是一个强大的好地方是 运行从特克萨卡纳到埃尔帕索 ...

[English]Willie Jones

[English lyric] Willie Jones was a man I met when I lived in Baltimore I was a guard and he was doing time In the three long years he stayed there I got to know him well Willie Jones he was a ...

[中文对照] 威利·琼斯是我一个人见面的时候我住在巴尔的摩 我是一名后卫,他在做什么时 在漫长的三年,他呆在那里,我认识了他好 威利·琼斯,他是我的朋友 ...

[English]Franklin Limestone

[English lyric] Franklin Limestone, always been my home I was born in Nashville, a place I call my own Where the mountains, and the rivers, and the valleys We were married, you and me We were ...

[中文对照] 富兰克林石灰石,一直是我的家 我出生在纳什维尔,我把我自己的地方 那里的山和河流,山谷 我们结婚了,你和我 我们俩都好开心同聚的时光 像在木头负鼠 ...


[English lyric] I was born way back in the woods & swamp On the Hickory River shore In a dirty old one-room pine-log shack With sawdust on the floor Was a graveyard out in the back of the ...

[中文对照] 我出生早在树林与沼泽 在山核桃河岸边 在一个肮脏的老一室松树登录窝棚 木屑的地板上 是一个墓地在房子的后面 和一个骷髅了满门 ...

[English]Everything Is Kinda All Right

[English lyric] Early mornin' sun shines through the bubbles in my bed The whistle on the westbound leaves a come on in my ear I think today is Sunday but I'm just to drunk to say But there ...

[中文对照] 早期的早上,阳光穿过我的床中的气泡 在西行的口哨离开在我耳边加油 我觉得今天是星期天,但我只是喝醉了的说 但是,是不是没有出汗是地狱,它只是另一天 ...

[English]Funky Junky

[English lyric] You can dance around if you want to But there’s some thing a man don’t wanna do And if you see him comin’ walkin’ down the street You better jump right Outta his way Everyone ...

[中文对照] 你可以跳舞身边,如果你想 但有一些事情的人不想做 如果你看到他马上就要来走着沿着街道 你最好直接跳到失控了路 每个人都知道这是一个街头小品 ...

[English]Birmingham Blues

[English lyric] Sittin' here in L.A., looking down at my shoes Drownin' my troubles on small talk & blues Sittin' here wonderin' if I could have been born to lose I think movin is losin and ...

[中文对照] 坐在这里在洛杉矶,低头看着我的鞋 Drownin \'我的麻烦就小谈与蓝调 坐在这里迷惘,如果我能已经诞生输 我认为居无定所的失去感到,现在我可以看到 ...

[English]Damn Good Cowboy

[English lyric] He's the loosest dude I've ever been exposed to He loves the bottle and a dirty joke He likes to hang out on the street And he'd rather fight than eat And his nose and the ...

[中文对照] 他是最宽松的家伙,我曾经接触过 他爱瓶子,几个荤笑话 他喜欢挂在大街上 他想,而不是吃了打 而他的鼻子和女人让他爆发 他已经在监狱里的每个从这里到华雷斯 ...

[English]Tomorrow's Gonna Be Another Day

[English lyric] Workin' out here on the railroad line Breaking my back for nickles and dimes Sweatin' in the hot sun all of the time Well I wake up and pray that the sun don't shine Tomorrow ...

[中文对照] 日夜不停的在这里的铁路线 打破我回来了尼克斯和硬币 Sweatin “在烈日下所有的时间 嗯,我醒来,祈祷太阳不发光 明天早上我发誓我的灵魂 ...