歌词 "Flustered / Hey Tomcat!" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Flustered / Hey Tomcat!



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Once when my folks were gone 有一次,我的乡亲都不见了

I saw a lot of liquor 我看到了很多酒

I saw my tomcat 我看到我的tomcat

Famose 法莫斯

I saw my tomcat 我看到我的tomcat

What? 什么?

Tomcat 雄猫

What? 什么?

My tomcat 我的tomcat

Tomcat 雄猫


I saw a bowl of milk 我看到了一碗牛奶

And I said 我说

"Hey" “嘿嘿”

What? 什么?

I got news for you 我有消息要告诉你

That's weird 这是奇怪的

I got news for you 我有消息要告诉你

I got news 我得到的消息


10, 5, 0 meters 10 , 5 , 0米

I think it's, um . . . 我认为这是,嗯。 。 。

I like the beat a lot 我喜欢拍很多

And I like the pool 而且,我喜欢在游泳池

And I can dance around the room 我可以跳舞在房间里

And I


Tomcat 雄猫

Hello, tomcat 您好, tomcat的

News for you 消息要告诉你

What, tomcat? 什么, tomcat的?

News for you 消息要告诉你

What, tomcat? 什么, tomcat的?

As you're listening to heart sounds 当您正在收听的是心脏的声音

And murmurs 和杂音

Instead of using words to 如果不使用的话来的

Describe them 形容他们

It's somewhat like eating an apple 这有点像吃苹果

And trying to describe how it tastes 并试图描述它的味道如何


What 什么

Tomcat 雄猫

So what? 所以呢?

The LSD 社民连

What? 什么?

I'm unsure 我不确定


I got news for you 我有消息要告诉你

Some kind of LSD 某种迷幻剂

Sure enough, I'll come 果然,我就来

Tomcat 雄猫

And I'm sure 我敢肯定,

The rumors 传闻


I got news for you 我有消息要告诉你

Hey, tomcat 嘿, tomcat的

And I'm sure the rumors 我敢肯定传闻

What, tomcat? 什么, tomcat的?


And I'm sure the box I 而且我敢肯定,箱I

And I'm sure the box 我敢肯定的框

Some kind of L word 一些拉字的

One of the LS words 之一的LS字

What the LS? 什么是LS ?

The L word The L Word的

The LSD pill and the cat 社民连丸和猫


What is going on, motherfucker? 这是怎么回事,狗娘养的?

No, no 不,不

Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba BA -BA -BA- BA -BA- BA -BA- BA

There's salt 有盐

Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba BA -BA -BA- BA -BA- BA -BA- BA

You're so flustered 你这么慌张

Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba BA -BA -BA- BA -BA- BA -BA- BA


You're so flustered 你这么慌张

I excel at stone í擅长石

When given the exposed 当给定的暴露

I am Brian 我是布莱恩

歌词 Flustered / Hey Tomcat! 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/flustered-hey-tomcat/