歌词 "Firth Of Fifth" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Firth Of Fifth



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The path is clear 该路径是清楚

Though no eyes can see 虽然没有亲眼所见

The course laid down long before. 本课程所订多久。

And so with gods and men 所以,与神和人

The sheep remain inside their pen, 羊保持自己的钢笔里面,

Though many times they've seen the way to leave. 虽然很多时候他们已经看到了离开的方式。


He rides majestic 他骑着雄壮

Past homes of men 男人过去的家园

Who care not or gaze with joy, 谁不关心,或凝视着喜悦,

To see reflected there 看到有反映

The trees, the sky, the lily fair, 树木,天空,百合公平,

The scene of death is lying just below. 死亡现场是在撒谎正下方。


The mountain cuts off the town from view, 山切断镇从视图中,

Like a cancer growth is removed by skill. 像癌症增长是由技术去除。

Let it be revealed. 让它显现出来。

A waterfall, his madrigal. 瀑布,他的牧歌。

An inland sea, his symphony. 一个内陆海,他的交响曲。


Undinal songs Undinal歌曲

Urge the sailors on 督促水手

Till lured by sirens' cry. 截至吸引了警笛声一声。


Now as the river dissolves in sea, 现在的河溶解于海,

So Neptune has claimed another soul. 因此,海王星声称另一个灵魂。

And so with gods and men 所以,与神和人

The sheep remain inside their pen, 羊保持自己的钢笔里面,

Until the Shepherd leads his flock away. 直到牧羊人带领他的羊群走。


The sands of time were eroded by 在时间的流沙被侵蚀

The river of constant change. 不断变化的河流。

歌词 Firth Of Fifth 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/firth-of-fifth/

歌词 Firth Of Fifth 所在专辑及曲目:
  • 专辑年份:1973
  • 专辑歌手:GENESIS
  • 类别:album
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
Firth Of Fifth
More Fool Me
The Battle Of Epping Forest
The Cinema Show
Aisle Of Plenty
  • 专辑年份:1998
  • 专辑歌手:GENESIS
  • 类别:album
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
Fly On A Windshield
Broadway Melody Of 1974
Cuckoo Cocoon
In The Cage
The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging
Back In N.Y.C.
Hairless Heart
Counting Out Time
The Carpet Crawlers
The Chamber Of 32 Doors
Lilywhite Lilith
The Waiting Room
Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist
The Lamia
The Colony Of Slippermen
The Light Dies Down On Broadway
Riding The Scree
In The Rapids
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
Firth Of Fifth
More Fool Me
Supper's Ready
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
Twilight Alehouse
Happy The Man
Watcher Of The Skies
In The Wilderness
The Shepherd
Let Us Now Make Love
Going Out To Get You
Build Me A Mountain
Image Blown Out
One Day
Where The Sour Turns To Sweet
In The Beginning
The Magic Of Time
Hidden In The World Of Dawn
Sea Bee
The Mystery Of The Flannan Isle Lighthouse
Hair On The Arms And Legs
She's So Beautiful
Try A Little Sadness
Troll Nacht
Dirtier By The Year
I Can Almost See It
Three Times A Lady
Look At Y'all (Lookin' Ass Nigga Remix)
Goodnight Old Friend
Everybody Talks
Alotta Bandz
How Much Does The World Weigh
Clap Out
Damai Kami Sepanjang Hari
Another Day In The System
No Fun Bein' Alone
Second Chances
歌词 Firth Of Fifth 的作者与版权信息:


Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Anthony George Banks, Steve Hackett, Mike Rutherford


Phil Collins Ltd., Real World Music Ltd., Stephen Hackett Ltd., Imagem Music Nl, Rutherford Michael Ltd.