歌词 "Don't Lie To Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Don't Lie To Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Let's talk it over baby before we start 让我们来讨论一下宝宝在我们开始之前

I heard about the way you wanna do your part 我听说你要尽自己的方式

Don't lie to me - don't you lie to me 不要骗我 - 你不骗我

Cause it makes me mad and I get shook up as a man can be 因为它让我疯狂,我得到震撼了作为一个男人可以


There's two kind of people that I just can't stand 有两大类人,我只是不能忍受

That's a lying woman and a cheating man 这是一个躺着的女人和一个男人欺骗

Don't lie to me - don't you lie to me 不要骗我 - 你不骗我

Cause it makes me mad and I get evil as a man can be 因为它让我疯狂,我得到的邪恶作为一个男人可以


I can love you baby till the cows come home 我爱你,宝贝,直到母牛回家

But I'm sick and tired of the way you treat me wrong 但我厌倦了你的方式对待我错了

Don't lie to me - don't you lie to me 不要骗我 - 你不骗我

Cause it makes me mad and I get shook up as a man can be 因为它让我疯狂,我得到震撼了作为一个男人可以


There's two kind of people that I just can't stand 有两大类人,我只是不能忍受

That's a lying woman and a cheating man 这是一个躺着的女人和一个男人欺骗

Don't lie to me - don't you lie to me 不要骗我 - 你不骗我

Cause it makes me mad and I get shook up as a man can be 因为它让我疯狂,我得到震撼了作为一个男人可以


If you love me baby and it ain't no lie, well 如果你爱我的宝宝,它不是没有谎言,以及

I'll be waiting till the river runs dry 我会等待,直到河流枯竭

Don't lie to me - don't you lie to me 不要骗我 - 你不骗我

Cause it makes me mad and I get evil as a man can be 因为它让我疯狂,我得到的邪恶作为一个男人可以


Weeeeel let's talk it over baby, for we start Weeeeel让我们来谈谈吧,宝贝,因为我们开始

I heard about the way you wanna do you're part 我听说你想要的方式做你的一部分

Don't lie to me - don't you lie to me 不要骗我 - 你不骗我

Cause it makes me mad and I get shook up as a man can be 因为它让我疯狂,我得到震撼了作为一个男人可以

歌词 Don't Lie To Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/don_t-lie-to-me-1/