歌词 "Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I woke up from a bad dream 我从一个噩梦醒了

To the howling of a lonely night. 一个孤独的夜晚的嚎叫。

But the walls come closing in 但是,城墙都被关在

Like the victim of a one-way fight. 像一个单向的斗争的受害者。

I don't remember many yesterdays, 我不记得多少昨天,

I left a lot of things undone, 我留了很多事情不了了之,

Now i'm back and i'm here to say 现在我回来了,我在这里要说的

I'm looking after number one. 我在找一些一前一后。


Don't go, don't go where the road don't go, 不要去,不要去那里的路不走,

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go. 不要去,不要去那里的路不走。


Seeing people on the freeway, 在高速公路上看到的人,

Takes me back to where i started from. 带我回到我开始的地方。

I was riding on the big wheel, 我是骑在大轮,

I was walking in a midnight sun. 我走在午夜的太阳。

Well, i did a lot of favours then, 好了,我做了很多好处的话,

I asked for nothing in return. 我要求什么回报。

Now those friends have all disappeared, 现在那些朋友都消失了,

I guess there's still so much to learn. 我想还是有太多东西要学。


Don't go, don't go where the road don't go, 不要去,不要去那里的路不走,

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go. 不要去,不要去那里的路不走。

Don't go, don't you go where the road don't go. 不要走,你不走这里的路不走。

'Cause you'll never run, you'll never outrun the gun. 因为你永远不会跑,你永远不会逃脱了枪。


Well, i said it don't come easy. 嗯,我说的话来的不容易。

Well, i sure know how it feels. 嗯,我当然知道那是什么感觉。


Don't go, don't go where the road don't go, 不要去,不要去那里的路不走,

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go. 不要去,不要去那里的路不走。


Don't go, don't go where the road don't go, 不要去,不要去那里的路不走,

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go. 不要去,不要去那里的路不走。

Don't go, don't you go where the road don't go. 不要走,你不走这里的路不走。

'Cause you'll never run, you'll never outrun the gun. 因为你永远不会跑,你永远不会逃脱了枪。


Don't go, don't go where the road don't go, 不要去,不要去那里的路不走,

Don't go, don't go where the road don't go. 不要去,不要去那里的路不走。

Don't go, don't you go where the road don't go. 不要走,你不走这里的路不走。

歌词 Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/don_t-go-where-the-road-don_t-go/

歌词 Don't Go Where The Road Don't Go 的作者与版权信息:


Gary Grainer, Richard Starkey, John Warman


Yell Music Ltd. O.B.O. Warman Music