歌词 "Damned To Hell" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Damned To Hell



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Where you run is where you hide, 你逃到哪里是你躲起来,

Better hope you're hiding well 更希望你隐藏好

Cause when the angle catches you 因为当角度发现你

You know you're damned to Hell 你知道你该死的地狱


Damned to Hell is what you are 该死的地狱就是你

Can you hear the Church Bells toll 你能听到教堂的钟声收费

and all the money in the world 和所有的钱在世界

Can't save your sorry soul. 无法保存您的抱歉的灵魂。


And when you reach the Pearly Gates 而当你到达天国之门

And Peter reads your tale 彼得读取您的故事

He'll send you back from whence you came 他会送你回去,从你来的地方

Back to your living Hell 回到你的生活地狱


Damned to Hell is what you are 该死的地狱就是你

Can you hear the Church Bells toll 你能听到教堂的钟声收费

And all the money you have made 和所有的钱,你所做

Can't save your sorry Soul. 无法保存您的遗憾灵魂。


And I believe there comes a time, 我相信总会有这种时候,

When justice does prevail. 当正义不占上风。

It may not be in my lifetime, 它可能不是在我的有生之年,

for you that's just as well. 你这是一样好。


Damned to Hell is what you are 该死的地狱就是你

Can you hear the Church Bells toll 你能听到教堂的钟声收费

And all the money you have made 和所有的钱,你所做

Can't save your sorry soul... 无法保存您的抱歉的灵魂......

歌词 Damned To Hell 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/damned-to-hell/

歌词 Damned To Hell 的作者与版权信息:


John Charles Wiltshire-Butler


Family Music Pty Ltd.