歌词 "Change" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A missed step by the river's edge 错过的一步河边

A chosen word, but it took too long 选定的词,但它的时间太长

Your last chance is all he said 你最后的机会就是他所说的一切

You won't miss it, till it's gone 你不会错过它,直到它消失


A ghost in the distance 远处一个幽灵

Where the ocean meets the land 那里的海洋符合土地

A fallen angel in a trance 在恍惚中堕落天使

A conversation you don't understand 的对话你不明白


Change - everybody wants it 改变 - 每个人都希望它

Just a little hope and honesty 只要一点点希望和诚实

Change - everybody needs it 改变 - 每个人都需要它

Open up our hearts so that we can see 打开我们的心,使我们可以看到


A young man with a blue beard 一名年轻男子用蓝胡子

Counting days that seem too long 计数天,似乎太长

Can't wait, wait another minute 不能等待,等待一分钟

For my fifteen minutes in the sun 对于我十五分钟的太阳


Gotta sweep this act I follow 总得扫这种行为我跟随

Dust off this passion play 重温这种激情戏

Believe in fate cast off this sorrow 相信命运摆脱这种悲痛

It's just a stone's throw away 这只是一个一箭之遥


Change - everybody wants it 改变 - 每个人都希望它

Just a little hope and honesty 只要一点点希望和诚实

Change - everybody needs it 改变 - 每个人都需要它

Open up our hearts so that we can see 打开我们的心,使我们可以看到


Some will think I'm crazy 有些人会认为我疯了

Some will think I'm strange 有些人会觉得我很奇怪

I'm trying to satisfy this hunger 我试图满足这个饥饿

Somebody stop this pain 有人制止这种痛苦


No signs of redemption 赎回的迹象

Can't take the guilt they live 不能把他们所居住的罪责

Gonna live and die in this world 会生活和死亡在这个世界上

Pushin' and pullin' 'till somethin' gives 推着和普林直到事端给人

Change - everybody wants it 改变 - 每个人都希望它

Just a little hope and honesty 只要一点点希望和诚实

Change - everybody needs it 改变 - 每个人都需要它

Open up our hearts so that we can see 打开我们的心,使我们可以看到


Change - everybody wants it 改变 - 每个人都希望它

Just a little hope and honesty 只要一点点希望和诚实

Change - everybody needs it 改变 - 每个人都需要它

Open up our hearts so that we can see 打开我们的心,使我们可以看到


Visions of such temptation 这种诱惑的愿景

We can never take it to far 我们永远不能把它带到远

That's the price of the true sensation 这是真正的轰动价格

To find out who we really are 要找出我们真正是谁


Keep digging, digging for answers 不断挖掘,挖答案

Keep searchin' you can't give in 请Searchin的你给不了的

Will we ever understand 我们将永远理解

A truth we cannot comprehend 我们不能领悟真理


Change - everybody wants it 改变 - 每个人都希望它

Just a little hope and honesty 只要一点点希望和诚实

Change - everybody needs it 改变 - 每个人都需要它

Open up our hearts so that we can see 打开我们的心,使我们可以看到


A missed step by the rivers edge 错过的一步河流边

A chosen word but it took too long 选定的词,但它的时间太长

Your last chance is all he said 你最后的机会就是他所说的一切

You won't miss it 'till it's gone 你不会错过它,直到它消失


Change - everybody wants it 改变 - 每个人都希望它

Just a little hope and honesty 只要一点点希望和诚实

Change - everybody needs it 改变 - 每个人都需要它

Open up our hearts so that we can see 打开我们的心,使我们可以看到


Change - everybody wants it 改变 - 每个人都希望它

Just a little hope and honesty 只要一点点希望和诚实

Change - everybody needs it 改变 - 每个人都需要它

Open up our hearts so that we can see 打开我们的心,使我们可以看到

歌词 Change 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/change-4/