歌词 "Amado Mio" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Amado Mio



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Amado mio 阿马多MIO

Love me forever 永远爱我

And let forever begin tonight 让永远今晚开始


Amado mio 阿马多MIO

When we're together 当我们在一起

I'm in a dream world 我是在一个梦幻世界

Of sweet delight 甜蜜的喜悦


Many times I've whispered 很多时候,我小声说

Amado mio 阿马多MIO

It was just a phrase 这仅仅是一个短语

That I heard in plays 我听说在戏

I was acting a part 我是演戏的一部分


But now when I whisper 但现在,当我耳语

Amado mio 阿马多MIO

Can't you tell I care 你能不能告诉我在乎

By the feeling there 通过身临其境的感觉

'Cause it comes from my heart “因为它来自于我的心脏


I want you ever 我要你永远

I love my darling 我爱我的宝贝

Wanting to hold you 想拥抱你

And hold you tight 并紧紧抓住你


Amado mio 阿马多MIO

Love me forever 永远爱我

And let forever 让永恒

Begin tonight 今晚开始


Many times I've whispered 很多时候,我小声说

Amado mio 阿马多MIO

It was just a phrase 这仅仅是一个短语

That I heard in plays 我听说在戏

I was acting a part 我是演戏的一部分


But now when I whisper 但现在,当我耳语

Amado mio 阿马多MIO

Can't you tell I care 你能不能告诉我在乎

By the feeling there 通过身临其境的感觉

'Cause it comes from my heart “因为它来自于我的心脏


I want you ever 我要你永远

I love my darling 我爱我的宝贝

Wanting to hold you 想拥抱你

And hold you tight 并紧紧抓住你


Amado mio 阿马多MIO

Love me forever 永远爱我

And let forever 让永恒

Begin tonight 今晚开始

And let forever 让永恒

Begin tonight 今晚开始

And let forever 让永恒

Begin tonight 今晚开始

歌词 Amado Mio 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/amado-mio/

歌词 Amado Mio 的作者与版权信息:


Doris Fisher, Pierre Colombet, Gabriel le Magadure, Allan Roberts, Raphael Merlin, Mathieu Herzog


Allan Roberts Music Co., Music Sales Corporation O.B.O. Allan Roberts Music, Doris Fisher Music Corp., Universal Music Corp.