英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Strangeways, Here We Come 中的所有曲目
专辑 Strangeways, Here We Come 中的所有曲目:

Strangeways, Here We Come


类型: album

[English]A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours

[English lyric] HELLO I am the ghost of Troubled Joe Hung by his pretty white neck Some eighteen months ago I travelled to a mystical time zone But I missed my bed So I soon came home They ...

[中文对照] HELLO 我很困扰乔的鬼魂 他漂亮的白脖子上挂着 大概18个月前 我前往一个神秘的时区 但我错过了我的床 所以,我很快就回来 他们说: ...

[English]I Started Something I Couldn't Finish

[English lyric] The lanes were silent With nothing or no one around for miles I doused our friendly venture With a hard-faced Three-word gesture I started something I forced you into a zone ...

[中文对照] 车道保持沉默 什么也没有,或四下无人英里 í浇上我们的友好企业 用硬面 三个词的手势 我开始的东西 我强迫你进入一个区域 而你显然 从未想过要去 ...

[English]Death Of A Disco Dancer

[English lyric] The death of a disco dancer Well, it happens a lot 'round here And if you think Peace Is a common goal Well, that goes to show Just how little you know The death of a disco ...

[中文对照] 迪斯科舞者死亡 好了,在这里发生了很多\'轮 如果你想和平 为一个共同的目标 嗯,这正好说明 究竟有多小,你知道 迪斯科舞者死亡 好吧,我宁愿不参与 ...

[English]Girlfriend In A Coma

[English lyric] Girlfriend in a coma, I know I know - it's serious Girlfriend in a coma, I know I know - it's really serious There were times When I could Have 'murdered' her (but, you know, I ...

[中文对照] 女友处于昏迷状态,我知道 我知道 - 这是严重的 女友处于昏迷状态,我知道 我知道 - 这是很严重的 有几次 当我可以 有“谋杀”了 ...

[English]Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before

[English lyric] Stop me, oh, oh-o, stop me Stop me if you think That you've heard this one before Stop me, oh, oh-o, stop me Stop me if you think That you've heard this one before Nothing's ...

[中文对照] 阻止我,哦,哦, O,阻止我 阻止我,如果你觉得 那你听说过这个人之前 阻止我,哦,哦, O,阻止我 阻止我,如果你觉得 那你听说过这个人之前 ...

[English]Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

[English lyric] Last night I dreamt That somebody loved me No hope - but no harm Just another false alarm Last night I felt Real arms around me No hope - no harm Just another false alarm So, ...

[中文对照] 昨晚我梦见 有人爱我 没有希望 - 百利而无一害 只是一个假警报 昨天晚上,我觉得 我身边的真实的武器 没有希望 - 没有坏处 只是一个假警报 ...

[English]Unhappy Birthday

[English lyric] I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday Because you're evil And you lie And if you should die I may feel slightly sad (but I won't ...

[中文对照] 我来祝你生日不快乐 我来祝你生日不快乐 因为你是邪恶的 和你说谎 如果你死了 我感受到略带忧伤 (但我不会哭) 爱过和失去 而有些人可能会说, ...

[English]Paint A Vulgar Picture

[English lyric] At the record company meeting On their hands - a dead star And ooh, the plans that they weave And ooh, the sickening greed At the record company party On their hands - a dead ...

[中文对照] 在唱片公司的会议 在他们的手 - 死星 而户外的计划,他们编织 而且哦,令人作呕的贪婪 在唱片公司派对 在他们的手 - 死星 该奉承渣都说: ...

[English]Death At One's Elbow

[English lyric] Ooh Glenn Don't come to the house tonight Ooh, Glenn Don't come to the house tonight Because there's somebody here Who really really loves you Stay home Be bored (it's crap, I ...

[中文对照] 格伦哦 不来,今晚的房子 哦,格伦 不来,今晚的房子 因为这里的人在这里 谁是真的真的很爱你 留在家里 无聊 (这是废话,我知道) 哦,格伦 ...

[English]I Won't Share You

[English lyric] I won't share you I won't share you With the drive The ambition And the zeal I feel This is my time As the note I wrote Was read, she said Has the Perrier gone Straight to my ...

[中文对照] 我不同意你 我不同意你 与驱动 野心 和热情,我觉得 这是我的时间 由于笔记我写 读取时,她说: 已在百悦不见了 直接到我头上 ...