英语人>词典>汉英 : 承担 的英文翻译,例句
承担 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accept  ·  assume  ·  shoulder  ·  undertake  ·  accepts  ·  assumes  ·  undertakes  ·  assumptions

be charged with · take on · take sth on · take sth upon oneself · take in hand · take upon oneself · turn one's hand to
更多网络例句与承担相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

11 The facilities hereby expressed to be granted to the Borrower may be utilized or drawn down by all or any one or more of them AND the repayment and other obligations of the Borrower hereunder shall continue to be binding upon all of them notwithstanding that not all of them may from time to time or at any time have been making use of the facilities hereby expressed to be granted or that such facilities may be utilized by all or any one or more of the Borrower in different proportions AND shall continue in full force and effect and be binding upon all the persons comprising the Borrower and any of them not released by the Lender from their obligations hereunder notwithstanding the liquidation or cessation of business of any of the Borrower or the release by the Lender of any one or more of the Borrower from any or all of their obligations hereunder AND no arrangement between the Borrower and their successors or assigns shall prejudice the right of the Lender to pursue the remedies against any one or more of them and in such order and manner as the Lender may think fit and the relationship between the Lender and/or the Borrower shall be that of principal and debtors and no giving of time or indulgence to or release of any one or more of the Borrower shall affect the right of the Lender to pursue the remedies against the other or others as if such giving of time indulgence or release had not been made

18.11 根据本契据明文规定批予借款人的信贷安排,可由借款人全部各人或任何一人或多人使用或提取,而借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务须继续对全部各人具约束力,即使并非全部各人皆不时或在任何时间利用根据本契据明文规定批予的信贷安排,或即使信贷安排可能由借款人全部各人或任何一人或多人按不同比例使用,借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务仍须继续对全部各人具约束力。即使借款人任何一个清盘或停业,或贷款人已解除借款人任何一个或多个在本契据中的任何或全部责任,借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务须继续有效,并对借款人所包括的全部各人及当中任何未获贷款人解除本契据义务的人士具约束力;借款人、其继承人或受让人之间的安排,不得妨碍贷款人以其认为合适的次序及方式针对借款人及其继承人/受让人任何一人或多人采取补救方法的权利,而贷款人及/或借款人之间的关系须为债权人与债务人之间的关系,借款人任何一人或多人获延期、宽限或免除责任,均不得影响贷款人针对其他一人或多人采取补救方法的权利,犹如从未作出延期、宽限或免除责任一样。

They include the function of Jiaxing Health Bureau in cooperative medical insurance for rural and urban residents, the function of Civil Affairs Bureau both in the service for downsized personnel and family dependants of the deceased and in organizing the fund for rural and urban minimum living allowance and medical aid, the role of Municipal Committee of Population and Family Planning in organizing and issuing the fund for rewarding rural households who carry out the one-child policy, and the unemployment insurance under the charge of Employment Service Bureau.


These functions include cooperative medical insurance for rural and urban residents originally performed by Jiaxing Municipal Bureau of Health, the organizing function of fund for rural and urban minimum living and medical aid performed by Civil Affairs Bureau, the organizing and issuing of the fund for rewarding rural households who carry out the one-child policy performed by Municipal Committee of Population and Family Planning, and the unemployment insurance undertaken by Employment Service Bureau.


In the event of the death of any one of the Clients, in the case of a joint tenancy the estate of the deceased shall remain so liable in respect of any obligation, debit balance or loss incurred before or existing at the death of the deceased in respect of any account opened on the Clients' behalf and in the case of a tenancy in common, the estate of the deceased and the survivor or survivors shall continue to remain jointly and severally liable for any obligation, debit balance or loss in respect of any such account (including those incurred in the liquidation of the account) until termination of the account.


Therefore, because of its social harm, the excessive action of violating citizen's right of being educated is of possibility to undertake criminal duty from the point of moral obligation and personal just opinion on value. However, according to the science and justice of foundation for undertaking corresponding criminal duty, such act...

因此 ,侵犯公民受教育权情节严重的行为,基于该行为的社会危害性而言,从道义责任论和个体正义的价值观出发,其具有承担刑事责任的可能性;但就该类行为承担的刑事责任根据的科学性、公正性而言,从法的整体功能和价值出发,其又不具有承担刑事责任的理论和现实依据。

Chapter One provides an overview of the precondiction of responsibility of international organization, and the main contents include the definitions of international organization and its relationship vis-à-vis state and the legal basis of the responsibility of international organization. Chapter Two discusses the constituting elements of the responsibility of international organization. i.e. the international wrongful act of international organization, and the attribution of the conduct attributable to international organization. Chapter Three deals with the undertaking of responsibility. It explores two aspect: the responsibility undertaken by the international organization per se and the responsibily undertaken by the member states of the international organizations. This charpter aslo provides an overview of the content of responsibility and the circumstaces precluding wrongfulness. Chapter Four deals with the Future of the responsibility of international organization. This Chapter discusses the present situation and the future of the international law of international organization responsibility, but aslo gives some discussion on the issue of the responsibility of the non-governmental organizaions.


The results show that concentration of ownership has a significant impact on risk-taking. The higher the largest shareholder's shareholding percentage, the higher the risk-taking is; the higher the top five shareholders' shareholding percentage, the lower the risk-taking is. The percentage of untradeable shares, the size of the board of directors, the proportion of independent directors and the average remuneration of top 3 senior executives with the highest remuneration are negatively correlated to the risk-taking. However, the situation that the chairman or vice chairman concurrently holds the post of president or CEO increases the bank's risk exposures to a certain extent. Proportion of state-owned shares, the nature of the largest shareholder and the executives' shareholding have no significant impact on risk-taking.


To take upon oneself:自己承担: assume responsibility; assume another's debts.


The effect of bad check can be independent with its"bad"question.According to law,the drawer of bad check should undertake the bill duty,and still undertake civil and administrational even criminal law duty;the endorser of bad check should undertake the related bill duty with drawer,but should not undertake the related civil duty under the general situation;the payer of bad cheek should not undertake the certain payment duty in the bill law,and should refuse to pay money for the cause of transcending the contract duty;the holder of bad cheek should enjoy the right of bill and the right of asking for civil compensation.


Minute, you must sleep no problem, take an hour, may feel that the hands acids, take one day, may have to call an ambulance, but in fact the weight of this glass of water is the same, but if you take longer, I feel more heavy, it is like we assume the stress, if we have been put stress on the body, regardless of the length of time to feel the pressure of the final and can not afford more and more heavy, we must do is to put this cup of water, take a break and then pick up this glass of water, so we can get more of a long time, so , that should be undertaken after a period of stress in a timely and properly break down, and then get up again, so in order to undertake a long time.


更多网络解释与承担相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assumed liability:承担债务,承付债务 assumed liability 承担债务,承付债务

307 1 associated company 联属公司,附属公司 associated company 联属公司,附属公司 | 309 1 assumed liability 承担债务,承付债务 assumed liability 承担债务,承付债务 | 310 1 AT 税后 AT 税后

financial commitment:财政承担;财政承担额

financial centre 金融中心 | Financial Circular > | financial commitment 财政承担;财政承担

financial commitment:财务承担;财务承担额

Financial Circular> | financial commitment财务承担;财务承担额 | financial community财经界

disavowal:拒绝承担责任 拒绝承担责任

direct examination 直接询问 直接询问 | disavowal 拒绝承担责任 拒绝承担责任 | discharge 撤销(命令),释放 撤销(命令),释放

bear joint liability:承担连带责任

bear financial responsibility 承担经济责任 | bear joint liability 承担连带责任 | bear legal liability 承担法律责任

to be liable for breach of contract:承担违约责任

承担损害赔偿责任 to be liable for damages | 承担违约责任 to be liable for breach of contract | 承担责任 be liable therefor

owner's risk:自负风险船舶所有人承担风险船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险

owner's risk 自负风险 | owner's risk 自负风险船舶所有人承担风险船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险 | owner's trial 船东试航

owner's risk:船舶所有人承担风险

owner's risk of wetting 受湿由货主负责 | owner's risk 船舶所有人承担风险 | Owner's Risk 船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险

owner's risk:船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险

owner's risk 船舶所有人承担风险 | Owner's Risk 船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险 | owner's risk 自负风险

res perit domino:货主承担损失

res perit custodibus;保管人承担损失;; | res perit domino;货主承担损失;; | res perit emptore;买主承担损失;;