英语人>词典>英汉 : carpenter's square的中文,翻译,解释,例句
carpenter's square的中文,翻译,解释,例句

carpenter's square

carpenter's square的基本解释

木工尺, 矩尺, 曲尺

更多网络例句与carpenter's square相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The pigeons of Trafalgar square – as much as symbol of London as beefeaters and bobbies – have been transformed from vermin to celebrities in Ed Carpenter's candy-coloured wall lights.

像伦敦塔的守护者和英国警察一样具有标志性的特拉法加广场鸽子,在Ed Carpenter的果糖色壁灯里,已经从害鸟变成了&名流&。

Shuangzhu mechanical vehicle lift, which includes two box-shaped Jusheng pillar, two vertical sliding in the box-shaped piece of Jusheng-piece aircraft, two up and two track-holding arm, their identity is in Jusheng pillar box-shaped structure in part by the end of Liang-bed or carpenter's square or rectangle gear boxes and gear boxes on both sides of a square-short margin upward extension of the upper beam connecting a pillar overall; Jusheng pillar box is described below rectangle gear boxes installed electric motors is one of the driving boxes; and the piece-by-two parallel fixed in its orbit above the occasional arm-supporting, through the Hua Tao Kong spaces interlinked.

毕业论文字数:36721 页数:95 带图纸任务书说明书)摘要:双柱机械式汽车举升机,它包括两个框形举升柱,两个垂直滑动在该框形举升柱上的升降滑架,两个托臂和两个轨道式托板,其特征在于所述框形举升柱是由结构在下部的底板升底梁升矩形齿轮箱及矩齿轮箱两侧短边向上延伸的方形导柱连接上部的横梁构成的整体;所述框形举升柱下面的矩形齿轮箱其中一个是安装电动机的驱动箱;而所述升降滑架是由两个平行固定在其上的托臂穿过所述轨道式托板上滑套的孔位相互连接。

更多网络解释与carpenter's square相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Octans the Octants:南極座

Norma the Carpenter's Square 矩尺座 | Octans the Octants 南極座 | Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder 蛇夫座

carpenter's smooth plane:木工细刨

carpenter's side parallel flat chisel 木工直边扁錾 | carpenter's smooth plane 木工细刨 | carpenter's square hammer 木工方锤