英语人>网络解释>accident 相关的网络解释

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与 accident 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accident at work:上班时出现的事故

accident report 事故报告 | accident at work 上班时出现的事故 | a filing cabinet 文件柜

The accident cost him dear:这次事故使他损失惨重

41. He holds life dear.他珍视生命. | 42. The accident cost him dear.这次事故使他损失惨重. | 43. Car accident caused many deaths.车祸造成很多人死亡.

Accident Insurance:意外保险

acceptor for honour 参加承兑人 | accident insurance 意外保险 | Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong 香港意外保险公会

personal accident insurance:人身意外伤害保险

personal access code 专用选取码、专用接入码 | Personal Accident Insurance 人身意外伤害保险 | personal accident 人身意外伤害

accident prevention:安全措施

Accident error 偶然错误. | Accident prevention 安全措施 | Accidental exposure 偶然曝光

accident error, accidental error:偶然误差,随机误差

accident 故障,事故 | accident error, accidental error 偶然误差,随机误差 | accidental color 偶生色(凝视有色物体后将有色物体移开时产生的一种色觉)

Accident Consequences:意外事故的后果

Accident Characteristics 肇事特性 | Accident Consequences 意外事故的后果 | Accident Hazardous Location 易肇祸路段

accident and disability insurance:事故保险与残废保险

accident administration 事故管理 | accident and disability insurance 事故保险与残废保险 | accident annuity 事故养老金

accident sequence precursor study [ASPS]:事故序列兆研究

accident sequence 事故序列 | accident sequence precursor study [ASPS] 事故序列兆研究 | accident shutdown 事故停堆

accident spot map:肇事现场图

accident reporting 事故报告 | accident spot map 肇事现场图 | accident statistics 事故统计资料

第5/67页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Accident On 3rd Street
A Pure Accident
Accident Without Emergency
Love Sick Stomach Ache (Sugar Coated Accident)
Happy Accident
Rosemary Had An Accident
The Carroll County Accident
It Sounded Like An Accident
Accident Prone
Happy Accident

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy