英语人>网络解释>accident 相关的网络解释

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与 accident 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maximum pileup:汽车连环相撞

- A road traffic accident. - Really?|- 一起道路交通事故 - 真的? | Maximum pileup.|汽车连环相撞 | I thought she died in childbirth.|我原以为她死于难产

Shanghai Group Hospitalization Medical Insurance:上海团体住院医疗保险代理

上海意外伤害医疗保险代理 Shanghai Accident Injury Medical Trea... | 上海团体住院医疗保险代理 Shanghai Group Hospitalization Medical Insurance | 上海团体补充医疗保险代理 Shanghai Group Supplementary Med...

historical present:歷史現代式;歷史的現在式

historical accident 歷史偶變;歷史偶發事件 | historical present 歷史現代式;歷史的現在式 | historism 歷史詞語

I'm starting to farm out work to other people:我开始把工作包出去给别人做

4 Jenny is in a family way. Jenny怀孕了 | 5 I'm starting to farm out work to other people. 我开始把工作包出去给别人做. | 6 Who was at fault in the accident? 这次事故是谁的过错?

I'm starting to farm out work to other people:我开始把工作外包出去

3.Jenny is in a family way.Jenny怀孕了. | 4.I'm starting to farm out work to other people.我开始把工作外包出去. | 5.Who was at fault in the accident? 这起意外是谁的过错?

esp. a crash:意外事故(尤指车祸等)

It was a great relief to me when I heard he was ... | 19. accident: n. a harmful and unexpected happening, esp. a crash, collision, etc. 意外事故(尤指车祸等) | There are a lot of road accidents in the ...

A trio of trespassers!(Banzai):三个私闯禁地的人!(班仔)

Just what I was thinking.(Banzai) 和我想的一样. (班仔) | A trio of trespassers!(Banzai) 三个私闯禁地的人!(班仔) | And qiute by accident let me assure you.(Zazu) 这是个意外,我向你保证. (沙祖)

a cliff-hanger:扣人心弦的事情

Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏 | a cliff-hanger.扣人心弦的事情 | He was nearly involved in a car accident.他差点儿出了车祸

calendar year:历年制

[回答10]如第二章第二节第19项:资料统计基础(Organization of Data)中所述,统计基础包含历年制(Calendar Year)、事故年制(Accident Year)及保单年制(Policy Year),其保费及赔款皆各有其计算之基础,详细内容请见前述之章节,

air cover:空中掩护

air corridor 空中走廊 | air cover 空中掩護 | aircraft accident 飛機失事

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Accident On 3rd Street
A Pure Accident
Accident Without Emergency
Love Sick Stomach Ache (Sugar Coated Accident)
Happy Accident
Rosemary Had An Accident
The Carroll County Accident
It Sounded Like An Accident
Accident Prone
Happy Accident

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy