英语人>网络例句>阿拉伯语的 相关的搜索结果


与 阿拉伯语的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In general use Comorin language, the official language is Comorin, French and Arabian language.


In general use Comorin language, the official language is Comorin, French and Arabian language. The residents of above 95% believe in Islamism.


It has hired native speakers of Arabic, Dari, Persian, Urdu, Pushtunand Bengali. Since 2001 New York has been the focus of at least 11 foiled plots, which included plans to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge and the world's most famous stock exchange.


Other apocryphal books bearing the name of Adam are: The Book of Adam and Eve, or the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan, extant in Arabic and Ethiopic; and The Testament of Adam, in Syriac and Arabic.


Explicitness of Arabic Grammar and implicitness of Chinese Grammar; and b.


But to be fair to the NYPD, recruits who are native speakers of languages such as Arabic, Pushtu and Bengali are often assigned to counter-terrorism duties.


The sciences of the language were largely created by those for whom Arabic was an acquired tongue and who therefore had to think about it: lexicography, the collection and classification of words, was developed by scholars frequenting the market places where beduin came; grammar, the explanation of the way which Arabic worked, was first systematically expounded by a man of non-Arab origin, Sibawayh, form whose writing all later works derived.

学阿拉伯文字的书我早就买了,就是一直都没有花时间去看。现在看来要去巴林来,才翻出来开始细看。这本书具网上的介绍是学习阿拉伯字母的最好的课本,特别是把阿拉伯文字的一些比较刁难的东西都分析的清清楚楚。我到目前学会了9个字母,但是这本书不教发音,不知道水牛村的居民或是Kelly 姐能不能介绍学阿拉伯语发音的好书或是CD。

Throughout the second period of the Umayyads, representatives of this family were among their most dangerous opponents, partly by the skill with which they undermined the reputation of the reigning princes by accusations against their orthodoxy, their moral character and their administration in general, and partly by their cunning manipulation of internecine jealousies among the Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the empire.


Books containing both Chinese characters and pinyin are popular with foreign learners of Chinese, pinyin's role in teaching pronunciation to foreigners and children is similar to furigana-based books (with hiragana letters written above or next to kanji) in Japanese or fully vocalised texts in Arabic ("vocalised Arabic") but as mentioned above, pinyin is also the main romanisation method.

图书包含汉字和拼音深受外国学生的中文,拼音的作用在教学中发音,外国人和儿童类似假名为基础的书籍(与平假名信件或以上旁边汉字)日语或完全vocalised文本在阿拉伯语(& vocalised阿拉伯语&),但如上所述,拼音也是主要romanisation方法。

He is often identified as Dhul-Qarnayn in Middle Eastern traditions and is called al-Iskandar al-Kabeer in Arabic, Sikandar-e-azam in Urdu, Dul-Qarnayim in Hebrew, and Tre-Qarnayia in Aramaic (the two-horned one), apparently due to an image on coins minted during his rule that seemingly depicted him with the two ram's horns of the Egyptian god Ammon.

在中东传统中他被称为&Dhul-Qarnayn&,在阿拉伯语中被称为&al-Iskandar al-Kabeer&,在乌尔都语(现今巴基斯坦使用的语言之一)中被称为&Sikandar-e-azam&,在希伯来语中被称为&Dul-Qarnayim&,在阿拉姆语(耶稣基督时代的犹太人语言,旧约有的是用这种语言书写的,现今有部分叙利亚人还在使用)中被称为&Tre-Qarnayia&。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
