英语人>网络例句>配音 相关的搜索结果


与 配音 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cain has been voiced by Michael Gough in both the previous games, as well as the parts he has been seen in Diablo III. He is confirmed to appear in Diablo III.

在前作2部游戏中,凯恩的配音者一直是Michael Gough,暗黑3里我们也能看到他的出现,经确认凯恩将重返暗黑3。

In the Season Two episode of The Clone Wars,"Holocron Heist", written by Paul Dini and directed by Justin Ridge, Parasitti makes her first appearance, voiced by Gwendoline Yeo.


They won't secure properly, even though you are sure they are, they will spin when you add dubbing or hackle.


The story opens with Sophie, a hatmaker who sits patiently at her workbench while smoke-belching trains roar past her window.

电影随着苏菲(由 Emily Mortimer 配音)的出现而开场,火车冒着浓烟从她工作室的窗口下驶过,她则耐心地坐在那里缝制帽子。

Hydantoin dubbing to devote recently in solves this problem, his research way might be not so same as other scientists, he thought that must solve all humanities to eat meal the question, some means were most effective: Let food sleet be likely same, falls directly down from the space, delivers each each household the entrance!


Playing Shrek's talkative buddy, a donkey, is veteran comedian Eddie Murphy, another great improviser


Among the four factors, the factor of internal ratio of vocal track is newly studied here.


After 10 days of reshoots, a new opening scene and voiceover track were added, and Kris Kristofferson walked on as a new villain.

经过10天reshoots ,一个新的开放现场,并增加了配音跟踪和克里斯克里斯托弗森走作为一种新的恶棍。

A Thai actor whose movies have been dubbed into Hmong (Banxaithong and Kru Kun being only two of the more famous ones).

作为一名泰国男星,他的影片用苗语配音,Banxaithong 和Kru Kun 是其中最著名的两部。

Basing his screenplay on a tribal tale, Curtis sought to document the pre-Columbian culture of the Kwakiutl people of the Pacific Northwest. In 1972, the film was lovingly restored by Bill Holm, George Quimby and David Gerth with a soundtrack of songs and dialogue by the Kwakiutls.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
