英语人>网络例句>越南人的 相关的搜索结果


与 越南人的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The entire town and lab of Los Alamos were originally built to invent the ultimate weapon. So I was surprised to hear Langton begin his story by saying he was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.


Many of them have been deeply disillusioned by the Vietnam War.


Today, 45 years of age with the Vietnam War, Americans have no direct bearing on the war they did not Not eligible to enlist, but also did not take part in protest activities.


Some 87 of them were killed in action in China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and elsewhere.


The portrait that emerges is surprising, as surprising as McNamara's assertion that he and General Curtis LeMay were essentially war criminals for directing the fire bombing of Tokyo and 67 Japanese cities at the close of World War II and his claim that he desperately urged President Johnson to pull troops out of the Vietnam quagmire.

影片没有其他旁白,描述令人震惊,正如McNamara 的陈词(他和 Curtis LeMay 将军正是在二战结束晚期主张对东京和 67 个其他日本城市进行燃烧弹轰炸的主要战犯),他极力要求当时的 Johnson 总统从越南战争的泥潭中撤军的主张,两者让人甚为震惊。

It happened, among others, to the British in Palestine, the French in Algeria and, momentously, the Americans in Vietnam. The helicopters whisking evacuees from Saigon in 1975 still haunt America."Vietnam", synonymous with "quagmire", is shorthand for an unwinnable war.


Back then there were also a number of influential liberal Republicans, alas, a virtually extinct group today, including Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, the Senates only African-American; Mark Hatfield of Oregon; Jacob Javits of New York; and George Aiken of Vermont, a crusty old New Englander who thought our Vietnam policy was nuts and tersely suggested we should simply declare victory and get out.


The Chinese armies reconquered annam, as northern Vietnam was then known, in Southeast asia and kept back the Mongols, while the Chinese fleet sailed the China seas and the Indian Ocean, cruising as far as the east coast of africa.


Reconquered Annam, as northern Vietnam was then known, in Southeast Asia and kept back the Mongols, while the Chinese fleet sailed the China seas and the Indian Ocean, cruising as far as the east coast of Africa.


President Kennedy sent Taylor and Rostow to inspect South Vietnam in October 1961. Taylor and Rostow received South Vietnamese active responses of building an independent country. Therefore, building an independent and noncommunist South Vietnam became the idealism for American Vietnam policy. The central thought of Taylor-Rostow Mission report focused on limited partnership, and this was the pragmatism of American Vietnam policy."Limited partnership" became the best reason to avoid sending American forces to Vietnam.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
