英语人>网络例句>赐予 相关的搜索结果


与 赐予 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Bodhidharma," directed in 1993 by Yuan Zhenxiang, describes the times in Southern China to spread Buddhism an ancestral Bodhidharma Buddhist stories and to pass on the mantle of the experience of two ancestral wisdom to the film played by Derek Yee Hong to this as nandina country, three Prince, then voluntarily give up the throne and with more wisdom from the Zen monk Bodhidharma Luo, and performed two ancestors fought Louis Fan Hui can be, but among them are a series of recorded Dharma life, familiar stories, Promises, including account SG arm to the table plead for Buddhas heart was given by Bodhidharma to Hui-SG and other stories.


For the soul is the noblest part of man, and was given to us by God


God bless this old-line land and nation with rich sunshine and industrious people.


I thank the God for giving me a kind and nice dad, a healthy and optimistical mom, and a happy cute younger brother!


He is the ultimate outdoorsman,living to sleep beneath the god's open skies,summoning food and drink from the bountiful blessings of the land,and luring those he pursues into deadly traps.


So, the most reprehensible insult to God in my view is paternalism; the taking away of my God-given gift to make my own moral decisions and be responsible for them.


Pele: I told him, Listen, God gave it to you that the gift to play football.

" 贝利:我告诉他:"听着,上帝赐予了你踢足球的天赋。

Pollux asked Zeus to release him from immortality, so he could join his brother in the great beyond.


The said electors, both cardinals and others, are also bound to swear, before they proceed to the election, that in attending to the business of the election, they will proceed with pure and sincere minds--since it is a question of creating the vicar Jesus Christ, the successor of the blessed Peter, the governor of the universal church and the leader of the Lord's flock--and that they firmly believe it will benefit the public good of the universal church if they entirely prescind from all affection for persons of any particular nation, or other inordinate affections, as well as from hatred and graces or favours bestowed, in order that by their ministry a beneficial and suitable pastor may be provided for the universal church.

该说的选民,无论是红衣主教等,也必将有宣誓,然后进行选举,即在抓业务的选举,他们将着手纯洁和真诚的心-因为这是一个问题的创造副主教耶稣基督,继任人的祝福,彼得总督的普世教会和领导上帝的羊群-而且他们坚信,这将有利于公益事业的普世教会,如果他们完全p rescind从所有感情的人任何特定的国家,或其他念情,以及从仇恨和青睐恩惠赐予,为了使他们的财政部是一次有益的和合适的牧师可以为人民群众提供了普世教会。

China deliciosus deliciosus Museum for display of Chinese history and the development of the industry, promote Chinese culture has a long deliciosus of great practical significance 1, deliciosus ----- deliciosus Science Museum Science Museum is a museum Core deliciosus, where the soul from the scientific point of view, to the universal audience deliciosus knowledge, deliciosus is rich in value, is a gift of nature The treasure of humanity, from a scientific point of view, the adoption of specimens, models, three-dimensional landscape, pictures, videos, interactive multi-media technology to display the way to create a lively, and the pro-intellectual context, so that viewers feel lovely natural life, Alas .

中国菇菌博物馆对于展示中国菇菌行业的发展历史、弘扬中国悠久的菇菌文化具有重要的现实意义 1、菇菌科学馆-----菇菌科学馆是整个菇菌博物馆的核心、灵魂所在,从科普的角度,向观众普及菇菌的知识,菇菌有着丰富的利用价值,是大自然赐予人类的瑰宝,从科学的角度出发,通过标本、模型、立体造景、图片、影片、多媒体技术等互动展示手法,营造了一个生动、亲和的知性情境,让观众感受自然生命可爱、可叹之处。

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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
