英语人>网络例句>讽刺 相关的搜索结果


与 讽刺 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His best season statistically came in 1997, when he was second in the American League in home runs and RBI (with 44 and 141 respectively), and finished second in AL Most Valuable Player voting. In 1998, he was hit in the upper back by Orioles pitcher Armando Benitez , which resulted in a huge brawl between the two teams.

1997年是他表现最佳的一的个球季,他在美国联盟全垒打(44)与打点(141)两个项目皆排名第二,并且在美联最有价值球员票选中排名第二,讽刺的是,这年也是洋基自1996年到2000年间唯一未获得世界大赛冠军的一年。1998年球季,Tino被金莺队投手Armando Benitez的触身球击中上背部,这也引起了两队的大乱斗。

The Minnesota writer established his literary reputation in the 1920s with a series of satirical novels about small- town life in the US, including "Main Street," and "Arrowsmith."


Yet an analysis of his dramatic monologues and other poems reveals that his poetry was carefully and artfully crafted.

他的folk poetry的一个显著特征是将讽刺和幽默相结合。

Arum, of course, had to chortle over that precious bit of irony.


Hopper's inclusion in the group is ironic: his depictions of city streets are almost entirely free of the usual minutiae, with not a single incidental ashcan in sight.


The Assyro-Babylonian personification of Ninevah. She was vilified in Nahum iii -"the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts".

亚述-巴比伦神话中Ninevah的化身,曾经讽刺Nahum iii(那鸿三世,犹太人的先知,见《圣经-旧约》中十二卷先知书的第七卷《那鸿书》说:"众多美貌妓女淫乱,魔女"。

A year earlier, Bud Cort had starred in Robert Altman's quirky and satirical fairy tale Brewster McCloud (1970) as a bespectacled boy living in the Houston Astrodome where he was building a machine to escape and fly away.

此前一年,Bud Cort曾在Robert Altman的诡异的讽刺童话剧《空中怪客》(1970)里担纲主演一位住在休斯顿航天中心的戴眼镜的男孩,他在那里建造了一架飞行器用来逃离。

Ironically , the detailed reasons as to how the radio beam is produced may not be important astronomically


Here's how Cusack describes the film:" It puts satire, surreality and sincerity together in an atom smasher and blends them all together ."


Used attributively as a form of address in letters,and politely or ironically in speech


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
