英语人>网络例句>盯着 相关的搜索结果


与 盯着 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A crowd of eager and curious schoolboys, understanding little of the matter in hand, except that it gave them a half-holiday, ran before her progress, turning their heads continually to stare into her face, and at the winking baby in her arms, and at the ignominious letter on her *.


A crowd of eager and curious schoolboys, understanding little of the matter in hand, except that it gave them a half-holiday, ran before her progress, turning their heads continually to stare into her face, and at the winking baby in her arms, and at the ignominious letter on her breast.


Deiphobus then came close up to Idomeneus to avenge Asius, and took aim at him with a spear, but Idomeneus was on the look-out and avoided it, for he was covered by the round shield he always bore- a shield of oxhide and bronze with two arm-rods on the inside.


It frequently happened that when M. Madeleine was passing along a street, calm, affectionate, surrounded by the blessings of all, a man of lofty stature, clad in an iron-gray frock-coat, armed with a heavy cane, and wearing a battered hat, turned round abruptly behind him, and followed him with his eyes until he disappeared, with folded arms and a slow shake of the head, and his upper lip raised in company with his lower to his nose, a sort of significant grimace which might be translated by: What is that man, after all?


Madeleine was passing along a street, calm, affectionate, surrounded by the blessings of all, a man of lofty stature, clad in an iron-gray frock-coat, armed with a heavy cane, and wearing a battered hat, turned round abruptly behind him, and followed him with his eyes until he disappeared, with folded arms and a slow shake of the head, and his upper lip raised in company with his lower to his nose, a sort of significant grimace which might be translated by: What is that man, after all?


BLOOM:(In babylinen and pelisse, bigheaded, with a caul of dark hair, fixes big eyes on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles with a chubby finger, his moist tongue lolling and lisping) One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone.


He commanded. Crimson nodded, glaring malevolently at the wizard.


Knees, and even then was not done, for it tried to rise, its rheumy red eyes burning with hatred for thewizard.The troll never got its chance, for a shadow rose behind it, and Llane's recovered ax gleamed briefly in


A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a beaker rum and eyes her.


Long pauses came between each of these remarks; they were uttered in toneless and monotonous voices.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
