英语人>网络例句>电车 相关的搜索结果


与 电车 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under Serallach, Gaudi worked on the project of the Villa de Arcadia, a recreational farm in Montjüic. Working together with Juan Salamera, he learned industrial design by working on the design of the trolley railways to unite the farm with the Peace Gate. Under del Villar, Gaudi designed the apse and the chamber of the Virgin of the Monastery of Monserrat. Under Punti, he learned the skills of carpentry, ironsmith, ceramist, and glassmaker.

和Serrallach合作时,高第负责一个位於Montjüic的休闲农场Villa de Arcadia的计画,与Juan Salamera合作,他在建造连结农庄与和平门的电车里习得工业设计;在del Villar门下,高第设计了Monserrat修道院的原顶和圣母像房间的格局,与Punti合作时,他接触了木匠、铁匠、陶艺及玻璃工匠的技术。

A great way to experience some of the historic buildings and culture of the Garden City is by taking the Christchurch Tramway.


Kenji Kuwashiro of the Keihin Kyuko Railway says its commuter train network is already using the early warning system.

京滨特快电车的 Kenji Kuwashiro 说该公司的运营列车已经在使用这种预警系统。

A trolley bus could become "an enchanting view" of a cosmopolis if it adds an English sentence "we are now at power station" to the automatic Chinese announcement when it arrives at the Electrical Material Researching Institute.

英语是国际化的工具,电车上自动报站器只要在"电力所到了"后面加上一句"we are now at power station"就让自己成了国际化大都市里一道"亮丽的风景线",全然不管power station是发电站,还是别的啥玩意儿。

Yesterday, the customer bought a 41.9 yuan to repair the Pantene hair-intensive film, to send a small package (shampoo, cream-, the membrane), and then he was given two customers is great suite of curium oil cap, also I said that regular customers, the fact that people often buy only water, but I think that falls in love with their male counterparts is a customer, you say that?


They want to rent a double decker.


Disconsolately, he hopped on a trolley car and saw a young couple sitting nearby whispering tender words to each other


He is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company.


I am also aware that Citybus will take delivery of these low-floor double-decker buses this year. It shows that with public concern and pressure, these public utility companies do respond to needs of the society.


Its exterior is very reminiscent of London's faithful old double-decker, the Routemaster.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
