英语人>网络例句>烟雾 相关的搜索结果


与 烟雾 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Asenic, PAHs, asbestus, coal tar and tobacoo smoke, vehicle emissions, cooking oil fumes and so on were all regarded to be important reasons for lung cancer.


All trading had stopped on Wall Street, so those canyons were empty, the ash several inches thick and gray, the way snow looks in New York almost before it hits the ground.


At the same time, they issued smoke,inflamer produce a great lot of smother, so in fires, majority people got gas poisoning and asphyxiate and died.


Fume aspirator with control pedal to operate at test end.


Bull; Fume aspirator with control pedal to operate at test end.


Along with the other regiments in the line, engineers worked with the infantry on assault boat training and in experimenting in perfecting assault boat tactics. On February 12 the engineers successfully demonstrated the use of assault boats, pontoons, rafts, and shooting communication wire across the river with rockets and grenade launchers. Smoke generators, first used in September 1944, were an innovation that the front-line troops greatly appreciated.


The rising chaos is being permitted both to form a smoke screen to befuddle the dark and to bring you to a point that allows an exodus from this outworn reality.


It stood on an eminence in a rather line old park of oak trees, but alas, one could see in the near distance the chimney of Tevershall pit, with its clouds of steam and smoke, and on the damp, hazy distance of the hill the raw straggle of Tevershall village, a village which began almost at the park gates, and trailed in utter hopeless ugliness for a long and gruesome mile: houses, rows of wretched, small, begrimed, brick houses, with black slate roofs for lids, sharp angles and wilful, blank dreariness.


It stood on an eminence in a rather line old park of oak trees, 8ttt8.com alas, one could see in the near distance the chimney of Tevershall pit, with its clouds of steam smoke, on the damp, hazy distance of the hill the raw straggle of Tevershall village, a village which began almost at the park gates, trailed in utter hopeless ugliness for a long gruesome mile: houses, rows of wretched, small, begrimed, brick houses, with black slate roofs for lids, sharp angles wilful, blank dreariness.


To ensure all the fire protection equipment to be ready for use at any moment, including fire hydrant, fire extinguisher, smoke detector, bell, controlling system.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
